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7pack 0.0.2
What is 7pack?
7pack is not a replacement for pip. Instead, it works with pip. 7pack remedies some issues with pip, like the difficulty in installing all packages. In addition, it has a large repository, including nearly all of the most popular pip packages.
How to install
7pack is a little different from pip. First, you enter the packages. Then, at the end you put flags. To install, put --install. For example, to install urllib3, the most popular pip package, you wold run the command 7pack urllib3 --install
How to uninstall
Uninstalling with 7pack is like installing except the flag must be changed to --uninstall. To uninstall urllib3, you would run the command 7pack urrlib3 --uninstall
List packages
Since 7pack requires packages, you need to enter any random string in 7pack and apply the --list flag. When I list packages I use 7pack none --list
Upgrade Packages
Upgrading is just like installing and uninstalling. Just apply the --upgrade flag. To upgrade urllib3, run the command 7pack urllib3 --upgrade.
Install/Uninstall all
This is the main reason 7pack was created. To uninstall/upgrade all, put one package, called "all". To upgrade all, run the command 7pack all --upgrade, and to uninstall all, run the command 7pack all --uninstall
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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