Packaging Utils 0.2.5 | Coderz Product

packaging-utils 0.2.5

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packagingutils 0.2.5

A bunch of scripts I use for keeping track of packages I maintain and for work with rpm dependency trees.
Some of them are focused on openSUSE, but feel free to adapt them to you OS or even open pull requests!


check_anitya: Checks latest version on anitya and compares it with locally available version.
license_rewriter: Rewrites RPM specfiles to use %license macro (not needed anymore).
branch-and-fix-license: Branches a package at the OpenBuildService, fixes %license and submits the packages (not needed anymore).
changelog_extractor: Extracts the changelog from a file in an archive, shows the changes sinnce the last version found in the changes file and converts it to the RPM changelog format.
librariesio-latest-version: Retrieves the latest version from (currently only PyPI is supported) for the given software. The name of the software can be detected from the current working directory.
specfile-version-updater: Updates the version in the spec file, remove the old tarball and add the new one.
update-packages: If called with the name of a package, it searches for it in $PACKAGING_DIR (defaults to ~/packaging/), excluding home:*-directories, calls specfile-version-updater, tries to build it, calls changelog-extractor, applies it, and commits the updated package.

Some scripts require a configuration. The file used is .config/packaging_utils.ini.
### For librariesio-latest-version / specfile-version-updater
You can get your API key here:
`ini [] api_key = INSERT API KEY HERE `


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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