Pancakekit 0.2.2 | Coderz Product

pancakekit 0.2.2

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pancakekit 0.2.2

Pancake Kit
Pancake Kit aims to provide a handy user interface to your Python codes. It provides GUI as a lightweight web app powered by Flask.

Quick tasting
Assume that there is a function that calculates the nth Fibonacci number. In three steps, you can prepare a GUI that wraps this function.
from pancakekit import Pancake

def fibonacci(n=10):
return (fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)) if n >= 2 else n

cake = Pancake() # Step 1: Make a Pancake instance.
cake.add(fibonacci) # Step 2: Add your function to the pancake.
cake.serve() # Step 3: Serve the cake.

When you open in a web browser, you will find an input box for entering n and a button that invokes fibonacci().
Adding an interface to your exisiting python script in an instant
pip -m pancakekit __YOUR_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME__

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