Particle Field | Coderz Product


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particle field

Particle Field #
A Flutter Widget for adding high performance custom particle effects to your UI.

Easy to use: just write a simple onTick handler to manage a list of particles.
Architected to be highly extensible. Utilizes CustomPainter and drawAtlas to
offer exceptional performance.
// NOTE: this example uses `rnd` (see "Complimentary Libraries" below)
ParticleField field = ParticleField(
spriteSheet: sparkleSpriteSheet,
// top left will be 0,0:
origin: Alignment.topLeft,
// onTick is where all the magic happens:
onTick: (controller, elapsed, size) {
List<Particle> particles = controller.particles;
// add a new particle each frame:
particles.add(Particle(x: rnd(size.width), vx: rnd(-1, 1)));
// update existing particles:
for (int i = particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Particle particle = particles[i];
// call update, which automatically adds vx/vy to x/y
// add some gravity (ie. increase vertical velocity)
// and increment the frame
particle.update(vy: particle.vy + 0.1, frame: particle.frame + 1);
// remove particle if it's out of bounds:
if (!size.contains(particle.toOffset())) particles.removeAt(i);
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See the API Reference
for more information.
Complimentary Libraries #
The rnd package makes working with random values
in your particle systems much simpler. For example, if you wanted 20% of your
particles to move left, and 80% right at a velocity of between 2 and 5:
particle.vx = rnd(2, 5) * rnd.getSign(0.8)
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If you're looking to add animated effects to your UI in addition to particles,
check out the Flutter Animate
library for pre-made effects, custom effects, and simplified animated builders.
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