Passhash 1.0.1 | Coderz Product

passhash 1.0.1

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passhash 1.0.1


Generate password hashes based on various standards. Most UNIX crypt standards are
supported, along with a selection of Microsoft, Cisco, and LDAP-based standards.
pipx install passhash

By default, passhash will prompt for a password and generate a UNIX-style SHA2-512 hash:
┃ Method ┃ Hash ┃ Time ┃
│ sha512_crypt │ $6$rounds=656000$ohgWV4S9N2wPmYsN$7ZR6zmTAy5ePkrjnEnOUyOuF3pRE4TLvucwSs4AewUcOC59YawNkXap │ 0.559s │
│ │ AkqqUNJfcHuo0es6mGRQJO36EGz3aY/ │ │

A random password can be generated instead with the --generate option:
passhash --generate
Password: am3YVAbcMxK
┃ Method ┃ Hash ┃ Time ┃
│ sha512_crypt │ $6$rounds=656000$M4iIIAbmfVYVytIF$/MrspoGH6PMDq7IeS3RFPFhedUdGoYIddq7KAuYXAH4pYRI1Ge.3ykb │ 0.580s │
│ │ yO2PrTleh4kna.t22CnjefckO5XlyJ1 │ │

Additional parameters such as the salt can be specified, see passhash --help for the full list:
passhash --generate --unix-md5 --salt secret
Password: RvkrpxCR3uv
┃ Method ┃ Hash ┃ Time ┃
│ md5_crypt │ $1$secret$SmI5vW6El8fsZHapctHAl. │ 0.008s │

If a selected hash algorithm requires a username it will prompt for it:
passhash --generate --windows-msdcc2
Username: jsmith
Password: baQpwMueTKm
┃ Method ┃ Hash ┃ Time ┃
│ msdcc2 │ 254bbbbd2da9a0bd48681f9a67e3ca44 │ 0.003s │

One or more algorithms can be specified as runtime, see passhash --help for the full list:
passhash --generate --unix-md5 --ldap-md5
Password: aHMHCAXJMmP
┃ Method ┃ Hash ┃ Time ┃
│ ldap_md5 │ {MD5}8o3o/NROgZ6U55wxjuLoDw== │ 0.000s │
│ md5_crypt │ $1$lUpHRYmh$yvlUtIwPk5p5kXoW6kJpu/ │ 0.001s │

Use --all to generate all supported hash algorithms:
passhash --generate --all

Development Environment
git clone
cd passhash
pre-commit install
pip install -e .[tests]


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