Password Generator | Coderz Product

Password generator

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A Password Generator is a software tool designed to create strong and secure passwords for users. It generates random passwords using various character sets, such as lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters. The goal of the tool is to help users create passwords that are difficult to guess or crack, enhancing their online security.


  1. Randomness:

    • The generated passwords should be truly random to make them hard to predict. Cryptographically secure random functions should be used to avoid weak randomness.
  2. Customizable Length:

    • Users should be able to specify the desired length of the password.
  3. Character Set Selection:

    • Options to choose different types of characters (e.g., uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special symbols) should be provided.
  4. User-Friendly Interface:

    • A simple, easy-to-use interface with clear options is important, especially for non-technical users.
  5. Password Strength Indicator:

    • Display a password strength meter to let users know if the generated password is strong enough.
  6. Copy to Clipboard:

    • After generating a password, users should be able to copy the password to the clipboard easily.
  7. Password Complexity Settings:

    • Allow users to exclude certain characters (e.g., avoiding confusing characters like “O” and “0”) or include specific requirements (e.g., at least one number, one uppercase letter, etc.).
  8. Exclude Ambiguous Characters:

    • Some users might prefer excluding characters that are easy to confuse, such as O (uppercase o) and 0 (zero).
  9. Security Features:

    • Ensure that the password generation process uses cryptographically secure random number generators (such as secrets in Python or crypto.getRandomValues() in JavaScript).
  10. Save & Export Options:

    • Offer options to save or export the password securely, perhaps to a file or a password manager.


Hardware Requirements:

  • CPU: Standard processor (1 GHz or faster)
  • RAM: 1 GB or more (depending on the complexity of the implementation)
  • Storage: Minimal storage (a few MBs for the application or code)

Software Requirements:

  • Programming Language: Choose a suitable language for your platform (Python, JavaScript, Java, etc.)
  • Libraries:
    • For Python: random, secrets, string
    • For JavaScript: crypto, Math.random()
    • For Java: SecureRandom, StringBuilder
    • For C#: .NET System.Security.Cryptography

Browser Requirements (for web-based generators):

  • Modern Browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Edge (latest versions)
  • HTML5/CSS3 & JavaScript support for front-end implementation
  • HTTPS: For securing user data in case the generator is integrated into a web service.

Platform Requirements:

  • Desktop Applications: Can be developed using any of the popular desktop frameworks such as Qt (C++), Tkinter (Python), JavaFX (Java), or WinForms (C#).
  • Web Application: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for building the user interface, with back-end support in Python, PHP, Ruby, etc.
  • Mobile App: Can be built for Android or iOS using Java or Kotlin (Android), or Swift (iOS).


  1. Input Desired Password Length:

    • Choose the length of the password (e.g., 8 to 20 characters). Strong passwords are typically between 12 to 16 characters.
  2. Select Character Types (Optional):

    • Select the types of characters to include in the password:
      • Lowercase letters (e.g., a, b, c)
      • Uppercase letters (e.g., A, B, C)
      • Numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3)
      • Special characters (e.g., !, @, #, $, %, ^, &)
  3. Generate Password:

    • Click on the "Generate" button to create a random password according to your selected criteria.
  4. Copy and Use Password:

    • Once the password is generated, you can copy it to your clipboard and use it for your accounts or systems.
  5. Save Password Securely:

    • It is recommended to save the password in a password manager for future reference.


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