Paste 3.10.1 | Coderz Product

Paste 3.10.1

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Paste 3.10.1

Paste is in maintenance mode and recently moved from bitbucket to github.
Patches are accepted to keep it on life support, but for the most part, please
consider using other options.
As of release 3.7.0 Paste no longer supports Python 2. If you are
required to continue using Python 2 please pin an earlier version of Paste.
With version 3.10.0 Paste development moves to the pasteorg GitHub
organization and will be going deeper into maintenance mode unless
more active maintainers step forward to take over. “Deeper” in this
case means that releases will be much less frequent and patches
will only be accepted for security issues or major problems. Current
consumers of Paste should prepare to migrate away to more modern
Paste provides several pieces of “middleware” (or filters) that can be nested
to build web applications. Each piece of middleware uses the WSGI (PEP 333)
interface, and should be compatible with other middleware based on those

Paste project at GitHub (source code, bug tracker)
Paste on the Python Cheeseshop (PyPI)
Paste on Read the Docs

See also:


Includes these features…


A fixture for testing WSGI applications conveniently and in-process,
in paste.fixture
A fixture for testing command-line applications, also in
Check components for WSGI-compliance in paste.lint


Chain and cascade WSGI applications (returning the first non-error
response) in paste.cascade
Dispatch to several WSGI applications based on URL prefixes, in
Allow applications to make subrequests and forward requests
internally, in paste.recursive

Web Application

Run CGI programs as WSGI applications in paste.cgiapp
Traverse files and load WSGI applications from .py files (or
static files), in paste.urlparser
Serve static directories of files, also in paste.urlparser; also
in that module serving from Egg resources using pkg_resources.


Catch HTTP-related exceptions (e.g., HTTPNotFound) and turn them
into proper responses in paste.httpexceptions
Several authentication techniques, including HTTP (Basic and
Digest), signed cookies, and CAS single-signon, in the
paste.auth package.
Create sessions in paste.session and paste.flup_session
Gzip responses in paste.gzip
A wide variety of routines for manipulating WSGI requests and
producing responses, in paste.request, paste.response and

Debugging Filters

Catch (optionally email) errors with extended tracebacks (using
Zope/ZPT conventions) in paste.exceptions
Catch errors presenting traceback in paste.cgitb_catcher.
Profile each request and append profiling information to the HTML,
in paste.debug.profile
Capture print output and present it in the browser for
debugging, in paste.debug.prints
Validate all HTML output from applications using the WDG Validator, appending any errors
or warnings to the page, in paste.debug.wdg_validator

Other Tools

A file monitor to allow restarting the server when files have been
updated (for automatic restarting when editing code) in
A class for generating and traversing URLs, and creating associated
HTML code, in paste.url

The official development repo is at


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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