Pdf Image Renderer | Coderz Product


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pdf image renderer

pdf_image_renderer #

Renders PDFs to bitmaps using native renderers.
Usage #
See the example folder for a fully working flutter example.
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
_MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
Uint8List image;

void renderPdfImage() async {
// Get a path from a pdf file (we are using the file_picker package (https://pub.dev/packages/file_picker))
String path = await FilePicker.getFilePath(type: FileType.custom, allowedExtensions: ['pdf']);

// Initialize the renderer
final pdf = PdfImageRendererPdf(path: path);

// open the pdf document
await pdf.open()

// open a page from the pdf document using the page index
await pdf.openPage(pageIndex: 0);

// get the render size after the page is loaded
final size = await pdf.getPageSize(pageIndex: 0);

// get the actual image of the page
final img = await pdf.renderPage(
pageIndex: pageIndex,
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: size.width, // you can pass a custom size here to crop the image
height: size.height, // you can pass a custom size here to crop the image
scale: 1, // increase the scale for better quality (e.g. for zooming)
background: Colors.white,

// close the page again
await pdf.closePage(pageIndex: 0);

// close the PDF after rendering the page

// use setState to update the renderer
setState(() {
image = img;

void initState() {

// you can use this image later in your build function
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('pdf_image_renderer'),
body: Center(
child: image != null ? Image(image: MemoryImage(image)) : Text("Loading..."),

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