Pdm Dockerize 0.5.1 | Coderz Product

pdm-dockerize 0.5.1

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pdm-dockerize 0.5.1 Image
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pdmdockerize 0.5.1


Help generating docker image from PDM projects.
Install pdm-dockerize:
With pipx
If you installed pdm with pipx and want to have the command for all projects:
pipx inject pdm pdm-dockerize

With pip
If you manually installed pdm with pip, just install the extra dependency in the same environment:
pip install pdm-dockerize

With pdm
You can also install it as a standard pdm plugin.
Either globally:
pdm self add pdm-dockerize

Either as a local plugin in your project:
plugins = [

pdm install --plugins

Just use pdm dockerize in your multistage build:
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

# Build stage: build and install dependencies
FROM python:${PY_VERSION} AS builder


WORKDIR /project

# install PDM
RUN pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
RUN pip install pdm pdm-dockerize

RUN --mount=type=bind,source=pyproject.toml,target=pyproject.toml \
--mount=type=bind,source=pdm.lock,target=pdm.lock \
--mount=type=cache,target=$HOME/.cache,uid=$UUID \
pdm dockerize --prod -v

# Run stage: create the final runtime container
FROM python:${PY_VERSION} AS runtime


# Fetch built dependencies
COPY --from=builder /project/dist/docker /app
# Copy needed files from your project (filter using `.dockerignore`)
COPY . /app

ENTRYPOINT ["/app/entrypoint"]
CMD ["your-default-command"]

Selecting scripts
By default, the dockerize command will render a script without any command as it does not select any script by default.
You can select scripts with the include and exclude properties of the tool.pdm.dockerize section.
Those properties are optional, can be either a string or list of string.
Each string is a fnmatch filter pattern
Dockerize first select script based on the include patterns and then filter-out those matching with any exclude pattern.
Include all scripts
include = "*"

Include some specific scripts
include = ["my-script", "my-other-script"]

Include all scripts excluding those matching prefix-*
include = "*"
exclude = "prefix-*"

Include all scripts matching a prefix but two
include = "prefix-*"
exclude = ["prefix-not-you", "prefix-you-neither"]

Selecting binaries
By default, the dockerize command will not copy any python executable provided by your dependencies.
You can select binaries with the include_bins and exclude_bins properties of the tool.pdm.dockerize section.
Syntax and behavior are exactly the exact sames than include/exclude for script selection.
Include all python executables
include_bins = "*"

Include some specific executables
Most of the time, you will look like this
include = ["uvicorn"]

Controlling environment
pdm-dockerize respects defined environment variables:

scripts env variables are properly set
shared _.env variables are properly set
scripts env_file are properly loaded
shared _.env_file are properly loaded

In addition, you can define some docker-only environment variables using the tool.pdm.dockerize.env table
or some docker-only .env files using tool.pdm.dockerize.env_file
Defining docker-only environment variables
Those environment variables will only be effective in the docker entrypoint.
VAR = "value"

Loading docker-only environment files
This file will only be loaded in the docker entrypoint.
env_file = "docker.env"

This plugin works by providing by subclassing some pdm.installers classes to reuse the installation process:

DockerizeInstallManager, a pdm InstallManager filtering binaries
DockerizeSynchronizer, a pdm Synchronizer using a DockerizeInstallManager as InstallManager
FilteringDestination, a pdm InstallDestination filtering binaries

This way, the dockerization is using the same installation process just tuned for docker and augmented with pdm-dockerize specifics.
Read the dedicated contributing guidelines.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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