Pelican More Categories 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

pelican-more-categories 0.1.0

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pelicanmorecategories 0.1.0


This plugin adds support for multiple categories per article, and for nested
categories. It requires Pelican 4.0.0 or newer.
Multiple categories
To indicate that an article belongs to multiple categories, use a
comma-separated string:
Category: foo, bar, bazz

This will add the article to the categories foo, bar and bazz.
Existing themes that use article.category will display only the first of
these categories, foo. This plugin adds article.categories that you can
loop over instead. To accomodate this plugin in a theme whether it is present
or not, use:
{% for cat in article.categories or [article.category] %}
<a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ cat.url }}">{{ cat }}</a>{{ ', ' if not loop.last }}
{% endfor %}

Nested categories
(This is a reimplementation of the subcategory plugin.)
To indicate that a category is a child of another category, use a
slash-separated string:
Category: foo/bar/bazz

This will add the article to the categories foo/bar/bazz, foo/bar and
Existing themes that use article.category will display the full path to the
most specific of these categories, foo/bar/bazz. For any category cat, this
plugin adds cat.shortname, which in this case is bazz, cat.parent, which
in this case is the category foo/bar, and cat.ancestors, which is a list of
the category's ancestors, ending with the category itself. For instance, to
also include a link to each of the ancestor categories on an article page, in
case this plugin in present, use:
{% for cat in article.category.ancestors or [article.category] %}
<a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ cat.url }}">{{ cat.shortname or cat }}</a>{{ '/' if not loop.last }}
{% endfor %}

Likewise, category.shortname, category.parent and category.ancestors can
also be used on the category template.
Additionally, this plugin adds category.children: a list of categories
that have category as a parent.
{% for child in category.children %}
<a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{child.url}}">{{child.shortname|capitalize}}</a>
{% endfor %}

If you need all descendents and not just the immediate children, you can use the list of descendents: category.descendents.
The slug of a category is generated recursively by slugifying the shortname of
the category and its ancestors, and preserving slashes:
slug-of-(foo/bar/baz) := slug-of-foo/slug-of-bar/slug-of-baz

Category folders
To specify categories using the directory structure, you can configure
PATH_METADATA to extract the article path into the category metadata. The
following settings would use the entire structure:
PATH_METADATA = '(?P<category>.*)/.*'

If you store all articles in a single articles/ folder that you want to
ignore for this purpose, use:
PATH_METADATA = 'articles/(?P<category>.*)/.*'

Categories in templates
The list categories of all pairs of categories with their corresponding
articles, which is available in the context and can be used in templates (e.g.
to make a menu of available categories), is ordered lexicographically, so
categories always follow their parent:


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