Pettifogger 0.5.0 | Coderz Product

pettifogger 0.5.0

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pettifogger 0.5.0

pettifogger (noun)
pet·​ti·​fog·​ger | \ ˈpe-tē-ˌfȯ-gər, -ˌfä- \
Definition of pettifogger
1 : a lawyer whose methods are petty, underhanded, or disreputable : shyster
2 : one given to quibbling over trifles
Pettifogger is a github actions workflow validator, that will sniff out things like forgotten checkouts and suspicious capital letter words. The intention is to provide some level of additional insight to the workflow files before they go to master/main.
The project is still under initial development and is mainly intended for internal testing but other interested may try it out as well if their sanity can stand it.
pip install pettifogger or pip install --upgrade pettifogger
Pettifogger can be run with or without --workflow argument. When the argument is defined, then only that workflow is being validated and if used together with --watch, then only that file is watched. When used without --workflow the tool will search paths matching .github/workflows in all subdirectories and will validate those. When the workflows are searched automatically --watch will watch all those directories for changes.
usage: pettifogger [-h] [--version] [--workflow WORKFLOW] [--suppress-suspicions] [--fail-on-suspicions] [--no-fail-on-error] [--watch]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version Print pettifogger's version
--workflow WORKFLOW Path to a workflow file to validate
Suppresses the suspicion output
--fail-on-suspicions Suspicions fail the validation
--no-fail-on-error Errors will not fail the validation
--watch Watch the file or workflow subdirectories detected automatically

Known limitations

Tool has not been tested in Windows or in MacOS. It might work or then not. Please report any issues related to this using the Gitlab issues.
Shell scripts only support *nix shell dialects (developed using bash). Windows powershell etc. are not supported at the moment.
If the environment variables are not found from the workflow file, they are considered to be missing. This is something that is currently being looked into.

This project is licensed under MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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