Pitchsqueezer 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

pitchsqueezer 0.1.0

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pitchsqueezer 0.1.0

A pitch tracker for speech, using synchro-squeezed stft and frequency domain autocorrelation, designed to analyze imperfect recordings of spontaneous speech.
Relies heavily on the nice ssqueezepy package.

(mostly) better quality than popular Python trackers (pyin, pyaapt)
robust to creaky voices and bad recordings
does not need finetuning for min and max f0, works fine with both low and high pitched voices
acceptable speed (~ 10x faster than librosa.pyin)
(alternatively) a continuous pitch track, filling unvoiced gaps relatively naturally
a wavelet decomposition of the pitch track (reversible, except for mean value)
compatible with librosa's pyin and pytorch_audio spectrograms, regarding number of frames
a command line tool for parallel batch processing of directories (as well as API)

soon: pip install pitchsqueezer

Meanwhile, download the repository, and in the directory where pyproject.toml resides, do
pip install .

Examples of basic usage:
;; Command line, extract f0 for all wavs in a directory using 10 ms frame shift, save as numpy files
$ pitch_squeezer path/to/wavs/ -r 100 -f npy

;; API
import pitch_squeezer as ps
f0, if0 = ps.track_pitch(input_file, min_hz=50, max_hz=500)
f0_cwt = ps.f0_cwt(if0)

docs: https://asuni.github.io/PitchSqueezer/
Visualization of the method:
comparison with librosa.pyin on creaky female voice:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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