Pkonfig 2.0.0 | Coderz Product

pkonfig 2.0.0

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pkonfig 2.0.0

P stands for Python.


Pythonic configuration management helpers.
Multiple sources of configs (environment variables, dotenv files, YAML, JSON, TOML, INI)
with agile order configuration.
Configs validation mechanics based on type hints or user defined classes.
Minimal external dependencies.
Follow Fail-fast principle.
Autocomplete in modern IDEs.


User defined config source order: Define the order in which PKonfig looks for configuration values.
Multilevel configs for environment variables and dotenv config sources: Allows for more granular control over configuration values.
Custom aliases for fields or groups of configs: Create custom aliases for configuration values to make them easier to reference in code.
Configs type casting: Automatically cast configuration values to the correct data type.
Config values validation based on type and/or value: Validate configuration values to ensure they meet specific requirements.
High performance: Designed to be fast and efficient.
Extendable API: Easily extend PKonfig to meet your specific needs.

To install basic PKonfig without YAML and TOML support run:
pip install pkonfig

YAML files parsing is handled with PyYaml:
pip install pkonfig[yaml]

TOML files handled with help of Tomli:
pip install pkonfig[toml]

And if both TOML and YAML is needed:
pip install pkonfig[toml,yaml]

For production no .env files are needed but proper environment variables should be set.
In case some of required variables missing ConfigValueNotFoundError exception raised while AppConfig
The Config class is a Pythonic configuration management helper designed
to provide a simple way of managing multiple sources of configuration values in your application.
The most basic usage example when environment variables are used for production
environment and DotEnv files are used for local development.
Create config module
from typing import Literal
from pkonfig import Config, LogLevel, Choice, Str, Int
from import Env
from pkonfig import DotEnv

class PG(Config):
host: str = Str("localhost")
port: int = Int(5432)
user: str = Str("postgres")
password: str = Str("postgres")

class AppConfig(Config):
db1 = PG()
db2 = PG()
log_level: int = LogLevel("INFO")
env: Literal["local", "prod", "test"] = Choice(["local", "prod", "test"], default="prod")

config = AppConfig(DotEnv(".env"), Env())

For local development create DotEnv file in root app folder .env:

Then elsewhere in app you could run:
from config import config

print(config.env) # 'local'
print(config.log_level) # 20
print( # 'localhost'
print(config.db.port) # 5432
print(config.db.user) # 'postgres'
print(config.db.password) # 'postgres'

Config sources
PKonfig implements several config sources out of the box.
Use DictStorage if some defaults should be stored from code rather than from field default values:
from pkonfig import Config, Str, DictStorage

class AppConfig(Config):
foo: str = Str() # foo has no default value and raise an exception if value not found in storage

CONFIG = AppConfig(DictStorage(foo="baz"))
print( # 'baz'

Environment variables
The most common way to configure application is environment variables.
To parse environment variables and store values in multilevel structure class Env could be used.
Common pattern is naming variables with multiple words describing the exact purpose
more precise: PG_HOST, PG_PORT and REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT could be treated as two groups:





PKonfig respects this convention so that Env has two optional arguments:

delimiter string that will be used to split configuration levels taken from keys;
prefix string that is used to identify keys that are related to the given app and omit everything else.

from os import environ
from import Env

environ["APP_OUTER"] = "foo"
environ["APP_INNER_KEY"] = "baz"
environ["NOPE"] = "qwe"

source = Env(delimiter="_", prefix="APP")

print(source[("outer",)]) # foo
print(source[("inner", "key")]) # baz
print(source[("nope",)]) # raises KeyError

Env ignores key cases and ignores all keys starting not from prefix.
To change this behaviour set prefix to None or an empty string.
In this case you will get all key value pairs:
from os import environ
from pkonfig import Env

environ["NOPE"] = "qwe"

source = Env(prefix=None)

print(source[("nope",)]) # qwe

In the same manner as environment variables DotEnv files could be used.
DotEnv requires file name as a string or a path and also accepts delimiter and prefix optional arguments.
missing_ok argument defines whether DotEnv raises exception when given file not found.
When file not found and missing_ok is set DotEnv contains empty dictionary.
from pkonfig import DotEnv

config_source = DotEnv("test.env", delimiter="_", prefix="APP", missing_ok=True)

INI files are quite common and class Ini
is build on top of configparser.ConfigParser.
config.ini file example:
ServerAliveInterval = 45

User = hg

Then in Python code:
from import Ini

storage = Ini("config.ini", missing_ok=False)
print(storage[("", "User")]) # hg
print(storage[("", "ServerAliveInterval")]) # 45

Ini also accepts missing_ok argument to ignore missing file.
Most of ConfigParser arguments are also accepted to modify parser behaviour.
Json class uses json.load to read given JSON file and respects missing_ok argument:
from import Json

storage = Json("config.json", missing_ok=False)

To parse YAML files PyYaml could be used wrapped with Yaml class:
from pkonfig import Yaml

storage = Yaml("config.yaml", missing_ok=False)

TOML files are parsed with tomli wrapped with Toml helper class:
from pkonfig import Toml

storage = Toml("config.toml", missing_ok=False)

Source order
Any source for BaseConfig should implement Mapper protocol.
So it is easy to implement custom or combine existing implementations.
Recommended way to combine multiple sources of configs is ChainMap:
from pkonfig import Config, Env, Yaml, DotEnv, Str

class AppConfig(Config):
foo: str = Str()

config = AppConfig(
DotEnv("test.env", missing_ok=True),

In this example we created AppConfig that looks for key until finds one in the given mappers sequence.
The first one source for configs is test.env file that might not exist and could be used for local development only.
Then environment variables are used as the second one config source.
The last one is base_config.yaml that should exist or FileNotFoundError exception raised.
You can customize source order.
To implement application config class user should inherit from pkonfig.config.Config class and define
required fields:
from pkonfig import Config, Float, Int, DictStorage

class AppConfig(Config):
foo: float = Float()
baz: int = Int()

config = AppConfig(DictStorage(**{"foo": "0.33", "baz": 1}))

print( # 0.33
print(config.baz) # 1

To build more granular config structure:
from pkonfig import Config, DictStorage, Float, Int, Str

class Inner(Config):
key: str = Str()

class AppConfig(Config):
inner = Inner()
foo: float = Float()
baz: int = Int()

storage = DictStorage(
"foo": "0.33",
"baz": 1,
"inner": {"key": "value"}
config = AppConfig(storage)

print(config.inner.key) # value

Multilevel Config
Grouping might be useful when there are lots of config parameters.
To achieve this Config class should be inherited like:
from pkonfig import Config, DotEnv, Str, Int

class PgConfig(Config):
host: str = Str("localhost")
port: int = Int(5432)

class RedisConfig(Config):
host: str = Str("localhost")
port: int = Int(6379)

class AppConfig(Config):
pg = PgConfig()
redis = RedisConfig()

config = AppConfig(
DotEnv(".env", delimiter="__", prefix="APP")

print( # db_host
print( # 6432
print( # redis

.env content:

In this example we customized delimiter with two underscores, default is '_'.
All Config fields accept alias argument.
When storage class searches for config attribute in its source either attribute
name is used or alias when it is set.
from pkonfig import Config, Int, Str, DotEnv

class HostConfig(Config):
host: str = Str("localhost")
port: int = Int(5432)
user: str = Str("user")
password = Str(alias="pass")

class AppConfig(Config):
pg = HostConfig(alias="db")
foo_baz = Int(alias="my_alias")

config = AppConfig(DotEnv(".env", delimiter="__"))

.env content:

In this example storage will seek in dotenv file parameters named by given alias.
Elsewhere in the app:
from config import config

print(config.foo_baz) # 123
print( # password

PKonfig fields
All simple Python data types are implemented in field types: Bool, Int, Float, Str, Byte, ByteArray.
All fields with known type converted to descriptors during class creation.
Fields in Config classes may be defined in several ways:
Using types:
from pathlib import Path
from pkonfig import Config

class AppConfig(Config):
foo: str
baz: int
flag: bool
file: Path

All PKonfig field types are Python descriptors that are responsible for type casting and data validation.
In most cases there is no need to do this job every time the value is accessed.
To avoid undesirable calculations caching is used.
So that type casting and validation is done only once during Config object initialization.
Default values
If value is not set in config source user can use default value.
None could be used as default value:
from pkonfig import Config, Int, Str, DictStorage

class AppConfig(Config):
int_attr = Int(None)
str_attr = Str(None)

config = AppConfig(DictStorage())
print(config.str_attr) # None
print(config.int_attr) # None

When None is default value the field is treated as nullable.
Field nullability
To handle type casting and validation fields should not be nullable.
In case None is a valid value and should be used without casting and validation
option nullable could be set:
from pkonfig import Int, Config, DictStorage

class AppConfig(Config):
int_attr = Int(nullable=True)

config = AppConfig(DictStorage(int_attr=None))
print(config.int_attr) # None

In this example when None comes from storage type casting and validation is omitted.
By default, fields are treated as not nullable:
from pkonfig import Int, Config, DictStorage

class AppConfig(Config):
int_attr = Int(default=1)

config = AppConfig(DictStorage(int_attr=None)) # ValueError("Not nullable") is raised here

Custom descriptor or property
from pkonfig import Config, Bool, DictStorage, Str

class AppConfig(Config):
flag: bool = Bool(True)
baz: str = Str("test")

def value(self):
return self.flag and self.baz == "test"

config = AppConfig(DictStorage())
print(config.value) # True

Custom field types
User can customize how field validation and casting is done.
The recommended way is to implement validate method:
from pkonfig import Config, Int

class OnlyPositive(Int):
def validate(self, value) -> None:
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("Only positive values accepted")

class AppConfig(Config):
positive = OnlyPositive()

Custom type casting is also available.
To achieve this user should inherit abstract class Field and implement method cast:
from typing import List
from pkonfig import Field

class ListOfStrings(Field):
def cast(self, value: str) -> List[str]:
return value.split(",")

Available fields
Builtin Python types has appropriate Field types:

bool -> Bool
int -> Int
float -> Float
Decimal -> DecimalField
str -> Str
bytes -> Byte
bytearray -> ByteArray

Basic path type that is parental for other two types and is used when you define field using pathlib.Path.
This type raises FileNotFoundError exception during initialization if given path doesn't exist:
from pkonfig import Config, PathField

class AppConfig(Config):
mandatory_existing_path = PathField()
optional_path = PathField(missing_ok=True)

In given example field optional_path may not exist during initialization.
File inherits PathField but also checks whether given path is a file.
Folder inherits PathField and does checking whether given path is a folder.
This field uses custom enum to validate input and cast it to given Enum:
from enum import Enum
from pkonfig import Config, EnumField, DictStorage, Int

class UserType(Enum):
guest = Int(1)
user = Int(2)
admin = Int(3)

class AppConfig(Config):
user_type = EnumField(UserType)

config = AppConfig(DictStorage(user_type="admin"))
print(config.user_type is UserType.admin) # True

LogLevel field is useful to define logging level through configs.
LogLevel accepts strings that define log level and casts
that string to logging level integer value:
import logging
from pkonfig import Config, LogLevel, DictStorage

class AppConfig(Config):
some_level = LogLevel()
another_level = LogLevel()

config = AppConfig(

print(config.some_level) # 20
print(config.another_level) # 10

print(config.another_level is logging.DEBUG) # True

Choice field validates that config value is a member of the given sequence and also does optional type casting:
from pkonfig import Config, Choice, DictStorage

class AppConfig(Config):
one_of_attr = Choice([10, 100], cast_function=int)

config = AppConfig(DictStorage(one_of_attr="10"))
print(config.one_of_attr == 10) # True

config = AppConfig(DictStorage(one_of_attr="2")) # raises TypeError exception

When cast_function is not given raw values from storage are used.
DebugFlag helps to set widely used debug option.
DebugFlag ignores value case and treats 'true' string as True and any other value as False:
from pkonfig import Config, Bool, DictStorage

class AppConfig(Config):
lower_case = Bool()
upper_case = Bool()
random_string = Bool()

config = AppConfig(
print(config.lower_case) # True
print(config.upper_case) # True
print(config.random_string) # False

Per-environment config files
When your app is configured with different configuration files
and each file is used only in an appropriate environment you can create a function
to find which file should be used:
from pkonfig import Env, Config, Choice

"prod": "configs/prod.yaml",
"staging": "configs/staging.yaml",
"local": "configs/local.yaml",

def get_config_file():
class _Config(Config):
env = Choice(
["prod", "local", "staging"],

_config = _Config(Env())
return CONFIG_FILES[_config.env]

get_config_file uses environment variables and predefined config files paths
to check whether APP_ENV var is set, validate this variable and return appropriate
config file name.
Then actual application configuration:
from pkonfig import Env, Yaml, Config, Choice

"prod": "configs/prod.yaml",
"staging": "configs/staging.yaml",
"local": "configs/local.yaml",

def get_config_file():
class _Config(Config):
env = Choice(
["prod", "local", "staging"],

_config = _Config(Env())
return CONFIG_FILES[_config.env]

class AppConfig(Config):
env = Choice(
["prod", "local", "staging"],

config = AppConfig(Env(), Yaml(get_config_file()))

Fail fast
Very often it is helpful to check app configs existence and validate values before the app does something.
To achieve this Config class runs check as the last step in it's __init__ method.
check recursively gets from storage and verifies all defined config attributes.
When this behaviour is not desirable for some reason user can set flag fail_fast to False:
from pkonfig import Config, DotEnv, ConfigValueNotFoundError

class AppConfig(Config):
foo: str

config = AppConfig(DotEnv(".env"))
except ConfigValueNotFoundError as exc:
print(exc) # not found

config = AppConfig(DotEnv(".env"), fail_fast=False) # No error raised # This line actually causes ` not found` exception


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