Pl94and Tigerto Sq Lite3 0.1.1 | Coderz Product

PL94andTigertoSQLite3 0.1.1

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PL94andTigertoSQLite3 0.1.1

Census PL-94 to SQLite3
Simple tool to build out the Census PL-94 datasets from the FTP and build a SQLite3 database

getPL94(database, Exists='drop', Table='PL94', Vintage=2020, State=None, Directory=None)

database - Name of database you would like to add data to
Exists - DEFAULT: drop any SQLite3 command for if_exists prameters
Table - DEFAULT: PL94 name of table in SQLite database
Vintage - DEFAULT: 2020 either 2020 or 2010 PL94 dataset are avaible through the FTP
State - DEFAULT: None unless secified by full name or 2 letter abberviation will build PL-94 National Dataset
Directory - DEFAULT: None dirctory where you would like to write too if not the current directory


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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