Plover Merge Words 0.1.1 | Coderz Product

plover-merge-words 0.1.1

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plovermergewords 0.1.1

Avoid repeating yourself.

Prevent the Stacking of Characters

text: the text that shouldn’t be repeated

Use Cases

Merge with a prefix

Map your stroke to {:merge:word}
{con^}continue → concontinue
{con^}{:merge:continue} → continue
{con^}{:merge:continue}{:merge:continue} → continue continue

Ensure a word is always proceeded by a space

Map your stroke to {:merge: }word
{con^}{:merge: }word → con word
{con^}{:merge: }word{:merge: }word → con word word

Avoid repeating characters that you don’t want to repeat

Map your stroke to {:merge: word} or {^}{:merge:word}
hey{^}{:merge:.}{-|}there → hey. There
hey{^}{:merge:.}{-|}{^}{:merge:.}{-|}{^}{:merge:.}{-|}{^}{:merge:.}{-|}{^}{:merge:.}{-|}there → hey. There


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