Plover Russian Trillo 0.0.2 | Coderz Product

plover-russian-trillo 0.0.2

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ploverrussiantrillo 0.0.2

The Trillo Russian Realtime stenography system for Plover.

Activating Trillo
After installing this plugin, you need to turn on Trillo in Plover:

In Plover’s configuration, go to the Systems tab, and change the active system to Russian Trillo.
You will need a Tréal machine to use this theory.

Common Commands
It would be a good time to define some custom commands that make using Plover much easier! Just open the add translation dialog, then enter in the steno you want to use to make the command, and enter the following as translation:

{PLOVER:ADD_TRANSLATION} this will let you use a chord to summon the add translation dialog
{-|} capitalize next word
{^^} suppress space
{#right}, {#left}, {#up}, {#down} press arrow keys: right, left, up, down (recommendation is to create an arrow-key cluster on one hand with a chord on the other)
{#control(c)} copy on Windows, Linux, or {#command(c)} for Mac
{#control(v)} paste on Windows, Linux, or {#command(v)} for Mac
{#control(z)} undo on Windows, Linux, or {#command(z)} for Mac
{#tab} press the tab key
{#alt(tab tab)} change application on Windows
{#backspace} press the backspace key
{#escape} press the escape key
{#return} press the return/enter key
{^\n^}{-|} new line, capitalize
{^\n\n^}{-|} new paragraph, capitalize


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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