Plumes 2.3.2 | Coderz Product

plumes 2.3.2

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plumes 2.3.2


Simple Twitter CLI for day-to-day social media hygiene

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Getting Started And Creating Your Authentication Config
Export Friends
Export Followers
Export Tweets
Audit Users
Prune Your Tweets

Setting Up Authentication

Get Your Twitter API Tokens
Configuring plumes


Plumes is an open-source Python CLI app for day-to-day social media hygiene.
It was designed to provide a simple, clear, and concise interface to quickly explore and clean a personal Twitter account.

# python >=3.6.1 is required
pip install plumes

Getting Started And Creating Your Authentication Config
# create your config file
plumes init

# validate your config file
plumes check_config

# print your config file (watch out for sensitive tokens!)
plumes view_config

Export Friends
Extract friends ordered in which they were added:
plumes friends <flags>

# e.g., get the friends of Steve Martin (see data in examples dir)
plumes friends SteveMartinToGo --limit 100


screen_name Optional[str], optional - Target user's screen name (i.e., Twitter handle). If none is given, authenticated user is used. Defaults to None.
limit Optional[int], optional - Max number of users to fetch. Defaults to None.
output Optional[str], optional - Output path for JSON file. Defaults to None.

Export Followers
Extract followers ordered in which they were added:
plumes followers <flags>

# e.g., get the followers of Al Yankovic (see data in examples dir)
plumes followers alyankovic --limit 100


screen_name Optional[str], optional - Target user's screen name (i.e., Twitter handle). If none is given, authenticated user is used. Defaults to None.
limit Optional[int], optional - Max number of users to fetch. Defaults to None.
output Optional[str], optional - Output path for JSON file. Defaults to None.

Export Tweets
Extract (and archive) tweets ordered in by most recent:
plumes tweets <flags>

# e.g., get the tweets of Conan O'Brien (see data in examples dir)
plumes tweets ConanOBrien --limit 100


screen_name Optional[str], optional - Target user's screen name (i.e., Twitter handle). If none is given, authenticated user is used. Defaults to None.
limit Optional[int], optional - Max number of users to fetch. Defaults to None.
output Optional[str], optional - Output path for JSON file. Defaults to None.

Audit Users
Audit and review users given criteria.
Use this to mass follow/unfollow many users.
plumes audit_users PATH <flags>

# e.g., follow 100 of Al Yankovic's followers
plumes followers alyankovic --limit 100
plumes audit_users alyankovic-followers.json --befriend

# e.g., prune (i.e., unfollow) current friends who have less than 100 followers AND haven't tweeted in the last 30 days
plumes friends --output "friends.json"
plumes audit_users "friends.json" --prune --min_followers 100 --days 30


path str - Path to JSON file of users (e.g., output of friends())
min_followers Optional[int], optional - Min number of followers. Defaults to None.
max_followers Optional[int], optional - Max number of followers. Defaults to None.
min_friends Optional[int], optional - Min number of friends. Defaults to None.
max_friends Optional[int], optional - Max number of friends. Defaults to None.
days Optional[int], optional - Days since last tweet. Defaults to None.
min_tweets Optional[int], optional - Min number of tweets. Defaults to None.
max_tweets Optional[int], optional - Max number of tweets. Defaults to None.
min_favourites Optional[int], optional - Min number of favourites. Defaults to None.
max_favourites Optional[int], optional - Max number of favourites. Defaults to None.
min_ratio Optional[float], optional - Min Twitter follower-friend (TFF) ratio. Defaults to None.
max_ratio Optional[float], optional - Max Twitter follower-friend (TFF) ratio. Defaults to None.
prune bool, optional - Unfollow identified users. Defaults to False.
befriend bool, optional - Follow identified users. Defaults to False.
bool_or bool, optional - Switch to boolean OR for conditions. Defaults to False.

Prune Your Tweets
Audit and review tweets given criteria.
Use this to mass favourite or delete tweets.
plumes audit_tweets PATH <flags>

# e.g., delete your tweets that are older than 60 days AND that you didn't self-favourite
plumes tweets --output "tweets.json"
plumes audit_tweets "tweets.json" --prune --days 60 --self_favorited False

# e.g., export 100 of Conan O'Brien's tweets and favourite those that have a maximum of 10 likes and a minimum of 50 retweets
plumes tweets ConanOBrien --limit 100
plumes audit_tweets ConanOBrien-tweets.json --favorite --max_likes 10 --min_retweets 50


days Optional[int], optional - Days since tweeted. Defaults to None.
min_likes Optional[int], optional - Min number of favourites. Defaults to None.
max_likes Optional[int], optional - Max number of favourites. Defaults to None.
min_retweets Optional[int], optional - Min number of retweets. Defaults to None.
max_retweets Optional[int], optional - Max number of retweets. Defaults to None.
min_ratio Optional[float], optional - Min Twitter like-retweet ratio. Defaults to None.
max_ratio Optional[float], optional - Max Twitter like-retweet ratio. Defaults to None.
self_favorited Optional[bool], optional - Check if tweet is self-liked. Defaults to None.
prune bool, optional - Prune and destroy identified tweets. Defaults to False.
favorite bool, optional - Like identified tweets. Defaults to False.
bool_or bool, optional - Switch to boolean OR for conditions. Defaults to False.

Setting Up Authentication
Get Your Twitter API Tokens

Navigate to the Twitter Dev Portal

Click Create an app

Fill out the forms

Navigate to Keys and tokens

Copy the values for API key, API secret key, Access token, and Access token secret

Configuring plumes
The API tokens can either be set as environment variables (using the PLUMES_ prefix; e.g., export PLUMES_CONSUMER_KEY=xxxxx) or configuration variables in ~/.plumes.toml:

CONSUMER_SECRET = <API secret key>
ACCESS_TOKEN = <Access token>
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = <Access token secret>

Please see and the Code of Conduct for how to contribute to the project

Please review the Makefile for an overview of all available tests
The most important tests and make commands are highlighted below:

# auto-format code
make format

# perform all static tests
make check

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