Podlocalsync 0.0.1 | Coderz Product

podlocalsync 0.0.1

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podlocalsync 0.0.1

Pod Local Sync
This utility allows you to manage a podcast RSS feed locally and spin up a small
server to sync it with podcast applications like macOS' Podcast.app.
I wrote this since in macOS Catalina (10.15), it is no longer possible to
manually add local files to the app.
How to
Python 3.8 is required.
pip install podlocalsync

podlocalsync works in the current directory and will automatically pick up
To start, you need an image for the feed in the current directory:
$ podlocalsync init
Feed title: My Feed
Using image myimage.png.

This will create feed.toml, which stores the information about the feed.
Next, you can add episodes. podlocalsync will look for *.m4a and .mp3
files. The publication date is also filled in from the file time.
$ podlocalsync add
Episode audio: [episode-1.m4a]:
[0] episode-1.m4a
[1] episode-2.mp3
[2] episode-3.m4a
Episode title: My Episode about Cats
Episode publication date: [Fri, 31 Jul 2020 06:26:31 +0000]

If you've added an episode, it will be excluded from the next add.
Finally, you can serve the feed locally. This will create or overwrite
feed.rss and spin up a server:
$ podlocalsync serve
Keyboard interrupt received, exiting.

You can subscribe to this URL in a podcasting application, although the server
isn't intended to be run for a long time, and certainly don't expose it to the
If you want to subscribe from e.g. an iPhone, use your computer's IP address
as the hostname (and make sure the firewall allows connections):
$ podlocalsync serve --host

This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.0. For more information, see LICENSE.


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