Precinct 0.1.3 | Coderz Product

precinct 0.1.3

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precinct 0.1.3

Precinct is a SQL query LLM copilot that helps analyze your queries, pick up indices and other optimizations and provide other actionable feedback. Currently only Postgres is supported.

Input from a file or plain text.
Checks for relevant tables.
Retrieves table indices.
Runs EXPLAIN ANALYZE for query diagnosis.
Offers concise, actionable feedback.

See Usage for more details.

Python >=3.9
PostgreSQL (More databases support coming soon)

pip install precinct

For developers, you can install locally in edit mode with optional extras:
pip install -e .[dev]

Here is the --help output:
Usage: precinct [OPTIONS] QUERY

Precinct: A SQL query LLM copilot for analyzing queries, suggesting indices,
and providing optimizations. Currently supports PostgreSQL.


precinct "SELECT * FROM table;"

precinct "path/to/your/file.sql"

--uri TEXT PostgreSQL connection URI, ie. 'postgresql://
Mutually exclusive with --service.
--service TEXT PostgreSQL service name as located in
~/.pg_service.conf or at specified path.
Mutually exclusive with --uri.
--service-file PATH Path to PGSERVICEFILE. Optionally provide in
conjunction with --service.
--model [gpt-4|gpt-3.5-turbo] Model to use.
--rows INTEGER Number of rows to return from query at most.
Typically used for previewing query results.
--json Enable VSCode optimized JSON I/O mode.
--help Show this message and exit.

Getting started
To analyze a query from a file:
python "path/to/your/file.sql"

To analyze a plaintext query:
python "SELECT * FROM table;"

Specify intent
Precinct will then analyze your query and extract an intent, which you can either accept or clarify. For example:
Query: select * from businesses
Intent: The intent of the query is simply to retrieve all data from all columns in the 'businesses' table.
Issue clarification to intent (y) to proceed, or (q) to quit (y/q/[intent]): y

To specify another intent, just type it in and press enter:
Issue clarification to intent (y) to proceed, or (q) to quit (y/q/[intent]): I want to find all businesses in the 'restaurants' category.

Precinct will then analyze your query and provide feedback on how to optimize it. For example:
Optimized query: select * from businesses limit 10
Explanation: The current query is already highly efficient, retrieving only 10 rows of data in a matter of milliseconds. Since the 'LIMIT' clause restricts the number of records returned, the query ensures minimal data transfer from the database to the application. Optimization refinements like adding WHERE clause or ordering of data will not make significant improvements in this specific scenario. Indices won't have an impact as the data fetched is minimal and not filtered or sorted. Therefore, optimizing this query is not necessary.
Run query now with `r`, copy to clipboard with `c`, or cancel with `q` (r/c/q): c

From here, you can run the query and preview some rows (the --rows parameter can be used to specify the max number to preview, although there is only rudimentary support for this at the moment). You can also copy the query to your clipboard and paste it into your editor.
For database authentication, Precinct supports the following methods:

Connection Service File
Connection URI
Environment Variables

Connection Service File
PostgreSQL's Connection Service File is the recommended method. It allows for secure and easily configurable database connections. To use it, create a .pg_service.conf file in your home directory or specify its location using the PGSERVICEFILE environment variable or via the --service-file command line argument.
In this file, you can define your database connection parameters like so:

You can then connect to the database using the service name:
precinct --service my_service "SELECT * FROM table;"

Connection URI
You can also connect using a connection URI. This is a commonly used method among database clients. To connect using a URI, use the --uri command line argument:
precinct --uri "postgresql://myuser:mypassword@localhost:5432/mydb" "SELECT * FROM table;"

Environment Variables
Finally, you can connect using environment variables. To connect using environment variables, just set them and Precinct will default if a service file or URI is not available.
precinct "SELECT * FROM table;"



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