Previewlink 0.0.1 | Coderz Product

previewlink 0.0.1

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previewlink 0.0.1

Preview Link
You may have seen a preview of a link with a title, image, domain, and description when you share a link on social media.
This preview has a significant impact on the user's decision to click on or not click on that link.
previewlink will help you to get the preview of a link.
How it works?
previewlink looks for the following tags in the page source

Open graph protocol
Twitter cards
HTML tags (title, p, img, h1, h2)

Run the following to install
pip install previewlink

>>> from previewlink import preview_link
>>> # Generate link preview
>>> preview_link("")
'title': 'sreehari1997 - Overview',
'description': 'Developer. sreehari1997 has 69 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.',
'domain': '',
'image': ''

Developing previewlink
To install previewlink, along with the tools you need to develop and run tests,
run the following in your virtual env
$ pip install -e .[dev]


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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