Process Plot 0.5.2 | Coderz Product

process_plot 0.5.2

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process plot 0.5.2


Create plots of resource usage for a process (memory, CPU, etc).
Process statistics are polled at a set interval, in a cross-platform manner (i.e. supports Linux, OSX and Windows).
Information is collected on both the main process and any child processes, and can be plotted in a single graph.
Install the package with pip or pipx:
$ pipx install process-plot

then run:
$ pplot exec "sleep 1" -i 0.1
PPLOT INFO: Output files will be written to: /user/pplot_out, with basename: 20210921125420
PPLOT INFO: Running process as PID: 5379
PPLOT INFO: Total run time: 0 hour(s), 00 minute(s), 01.034680 second(s)
PPLOT INFO: Plotting results to: pplot_out/20210921125420.png

You will then find the output files in /user/pplot_out, with a plot for the process like:

If the process spawns child processes, by default, the values for the main process and all child processes are summed together.
When called with --stack-processes, the plot will stack the values per process:
$ pplot exec "parallel sleep ::: 2 2 2" -i 0.2 --stack-processes --legend

Additional options are available:
$ pplot exec --help

Usage: pplot exec [OPTIONS] COMMAND

Execute a command and profile it.

╭─ Arguments ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ * command TEXT [default: None] [required] │
╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --interval -i FLOAT Polling interval (seconds) [default: 1] │
│ --timeout -t FLOAT Timeout process (seconds) │
│ --child --no-child Collect child process data [default: child] │
│ --command-output -c [hide|screen|file] Mode for stdout/stderr of command [default: file] │
│ --outfolder -o DIRECTORY Folder path for output files [default: pplot_out] │
│ --basename -n TEXT Basename for output files (defaults to datetime) │
│ --quiet -q Quiet mode │
│ --help -h Show this message and exit. │
╭─ Plot ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --plot-cols -p COMMA-DELIMITED Columns to plot │
│ [default: memory_rss, cpu_percent] │
│ --stack-processes --no-stack-processes Stack values per process in plot │
│ [default: no-stack-processes] │
│ --title TEXT Plot title (defaults to command) │
│ --grid --no-grid Add grid to plots [default: grid] │
│ --legend --no-legend Add legend to figure [default: no-legend] │
│ --size-width -sw FLOAT Width of plot in cm [default: None] │
│ --size-height -sh FLOAT Height of plot in cm [default: None] │
│ --format -f [png|pdf|svg] Plot file format [default: png] │

Initially adapted from:


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