Profanity Filter | Coderz Product


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profanity filter

profanity_filter #

Simple Dart class to create filters with methods to check and censor strings against profanity. A default English words list is provided (from LDNOOBW on GitHub).
You can also use the filters to filter out a custom set of words, by using the ProfanityFilter.filterOnly() constructor.
Usage #
To use this plugin, add profanity_filter as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Note: The latest version of the package is null-safe. The last package version that wasn't null-safe is 1.0.4

Example #
import 'package:profanity_filter/profanity_filter.dart';

void main() {
//Create the filter with the default constructor.
//The default constructor uses the default list of words provided by [LDNOOBW on GitHub](
//Other constructors are available, see [](
final filter = ProfanityFilter();

//This string contains the profanity 'ass'
String badString = 'You are an ass';

//Check for profanity - returns a boolean (true if profanity is present)
bool hasProfanity = filter.hasProfanity(badString);
print('The string $badString has profanity: $hasProfanity');

//Get the profanity used - returns a List<String>
List<String> wordsFound = filter.getAllProfanity(badString);
print('The string contains the words: $wordsFound');

//Censor the string - returns a 'cleaned' string.
String cleanString = filter.censor(badString);
print('Censored version of "$badString" is "$cleanString"');
copied to clipboard
Methods #
hasProfanity - Detect if a string contains profanity #
Use the hasProfanity() method of the filter instance. Pass in the string to be tested.
final filter = ProfanityFilter();
String badString = 'you are an ass';
filter.hasProfanity(badString); //Returns true.
copied to clipboard
getAllProfanity - Get a list of all profane words found #
Use the getAllProfanity() method of the filter instance. Pass in the string to be tested.

final filter = ProfanityFilter();
String badString = 'you are an ass';
List<String> wordsFound = filter.getAllProfanity(badString); //Returns ['ass']
copied to clipboard
censor - Censor a string (replace profanity with something clean) #
Use the censor() method of the filter instance. Pass in the string to be censored.
final filter = ProfanityFilter();
String badString = 'you are an ass';
String cleanString = filter.censor('you are an ass'); //cleanString: 'you are an ***'
copied to clipboard
Optionally, you can provide your own clean replacement word to the replaceWith named parameter.
filter.censor(string, replaceWith:'[censored]') will replace any profanity in string with [censored]
Default Profanity List #
The default profanity list is taken from the LDNOOBW list, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
To create a filter with the default list, use the default constructor ProfanityFilter()
Variations #
To include custom words alongside default list
Use ProfanityFilter.filterAdditionally() constructor and pass your list of custom words.
This will use a list which is equivalent to Default List + Custom List
To filter only custom words (default list is ignored)
Use ProfanityFilter.filterOnly() constructor and pass a list containing your custom set of words.
This will use a list which is equivalent to Custom List
To filter with a few exclusions from default list
Use ProfanityFilter.ignore() constructor and pass your list of custom words. Those words will be removed from the default list if they exist there.
This will use a list which is equivalent to Default List - Custom List


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