Prometheus Disk Exporter 0.0.4

prometheus-disk-exporter 0.0.4

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prometheusdiskexporter 0.0.4

A prometheus exporter for disk S.M.A.R.T. data and partition usage
For security reasons, this script is not supposed to be ran with root
privileges. Instead, the only command which requires these privileges
(smartctl) is ran using sudo within For this reason
the installation step includes adding a sudoers configuration to run
this command without the need of a password for the specified user.
These steps assume that you are running with root privileges.
Setup prometheus user

Note: this step can be skipped if you already have a linux user
for exporting prometheus metrics, such as for prometheus-pve-exporter

Create linux user with no login

# useradd -s /bin/false prometheus

Install package in virtual environment

Install the venv python module

# apt install python3-venv

Create the virtual environment in /opt

# python3 -m venv /opt/prometheus-disk-exporter

Activate the virtual environment

# source /opt/prometheus-disk-exporter/bin/activate

Install the pip package for prometheus-disk-exporter

(prometheus-disk-exporter) # pip install prometheus-disk-exporter

Disable the virtual environment

(prometheus-disk-exporter) # deactivate

Setup sudoers and systemd configuration

Add sudoers configuration to run smartctl without password.

# echo "prometheus ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: $(which smartctl)" | tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/99-prometheus-disk-exporter

Create a systemd service /etc/systemd/system/prometheus-disk-exporter.service for this script.
A sample can be found in the systemd folder of the repository.
Start and enable the systemd service.

# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable prometheus-disk-exporter.service
# systemctl start prometheus-disk-exporter.service

Verify that the installation was successful by visiting,
or whatever address and port you specified in the command arguments

usage: prometheus_disk_exporter [-h] [--listen-address LISTEN_ADDRESS]
[--listen-port LISTEN_PORT]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
Address for HTTP server to listen on
--listen-port LISTEN_PORT, -p LISTEN_PORT
Port for HTTP server to listen on

listen-address: Address for HTTP server to listen on (string) (Default: '')
listen-port: Port for HTTP server to listen on (int) (Default: 9313)

metrics sample
# HELP disk_getter_error Indicates an internal error while getting data from shell script
# TYPE disk_getter_error gauge
disk_getter_error{type="None"} 0.0
# HELP disk_model_info Disk Model Family
# TYPE disk_model_info gauge
disk_model_info{disk_serial="WD-WCC6Y3TVHSKJ",model_family="Western Digital Blue",rpm="7200 rpm"} 1.0
disk_model_info{disk_serial="50026B76821954FF",model_family="Kingston SSDNow UV400/500",rpm="Solid State Device"} 1.0
# HELP disk_power_on_hours Hours spent with disk powered
# TYPE disk_power_on_hours gauge
disk_power_on_hours{disk_serial="WD-WCC6Y3TVHSKJ"} 11583.0
disk_power_on_hours{disk_serial="50026B76821954FF"} 11583.0
# HELP disk_power_cycle_count Disk power cycle count
# TYPE disk_power_cycle_count gauge
disk_power_cycle_count{disk_serial="WD-WCC6Y3TVHSKJ"} 2055.0
disk_power_cycle_count{disk_serial="50026B76821954FF"} 2032.0
# HELP disk_raw_read_error_rate Disk raw read error rate
# TYPE disk_raw_read_error_rate gauge
disk_raw_read_error_rate{disk_serial="WD-WCC6Y3TVHSKJ"} 0.0
disk_raw_read_error_rate{disk_serial="50026B76821954FF"} 2.476152e+06
# HELP disk_temperature Disk temperature in Celsius
# TYPE disk_temperature gauge
disk_temperature{disk_serial="WD-WCC6Y3TVHSKJ"} 41.0
disk_temperature{disk_serial="50026B76821954FF"} 42.0
# HELP partition_info Partition metadata information
# TYPE partition_info gauge
partition_info{block="/dev/sda1",disk_serial="WD-WCC6Y3TVHSKJ",filesystem="ext4",mountpoint="/media"} 1.0
partition_info{block="/dev/sdb1",disk_serial="50026B76821954FF",filesystem="vfat",mountpoint="/boot/efi"} 1.0
partition_info{block="/dev/sdb2",disk_serial="50026B76821954FF",filesystem="ext4",mountpoint="/"} 1.0
# HELP partition_usage_bytes Partition used size in bytes
# TYPE partition_usage_bytes gauge
partition_usage_bytes{block="/dev/sda1",disk_serial="WD-WCC6Y3TVHSKJ"} 1.33785550848e+011
partition_usage_bytes{block="/dev/sdb1",disk_serial="50026B76821954FF"} 303104.0
partition_usage_bytes{block="/dev/sdb2",disk_serial="50026B76821954FF"} 2.4086495232e+010
# HELP partition_size_bytes Partition total size in bytes
# TYPE partition_size_bytes gauge
partition_size_bytes{block="/dev/sda1",disk_serial="WD-WCC6Y3TVHSKJ"} 9.83349346304e+011
partition_size_bytes{block="/dev/sdb1",disk_serial="50026B76821954FF"} 3.13929728e+08
partition_size_bytes{block="/dev/sdb2",disk_serial="50026B76821954FF"} 1.17236166656e+011


if all you are looking for is a SMART data exporter, i highly recommend their
proxmox prometheus metrics,
for helping me figure out how to properly install the package


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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