Promptflow 1.15.0 | Coderz Product

promptflow 1.15.0

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promptflow 1.15.0

Prompt flow

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Prompt flow is a suite of development tools designed to streamline the end-to-end development cycle of LLM-based AI applications, from ideation, prototyping, testing, evaluation to production deployment and monitoring. It makes prompt engineering much easier and enables you to build LLM apps with production quality.
With prompt flow, you will be able to:

Create and iteratively develop flow

Create executable flows that link LLMs, prompts, Python code and other tools together.
Debug and iterate your flows, especially tracing interaction with LLMs with ease.

Evaluate flow quality and performance

Evaluate your flow's quality and performance with larger datasets.
Integrate the testing and evaluation into your CI/CD system to ensure quality of your flow.

Streamlined development cycle for production

Deploy your flow to the serving platform you choose or integrate into your app's code base easily.
(Optional but highly recommended) Collaborate with your team by leveraging the cloud version of prompt flow in Azure AI.

Ensure you have a python environment, python>=3.9, <=3.11 is recommended.
pip install promptflow promptflow-tools

Quick Start ⚡
Create a chatbot with prompt flow
Run the command to initiate a prompt flow from a chat template, it creates folder named my_chatbot and generates required files within it:
pf flow init --flow ./my_chatbot --type chat

Setup a connection for your API key
For OpenAI key, establish a connection by running the command, using the openai.yaml file in the my_chatbot folder, which stores your OpenAI key:
# Override keys with --set to avoid yaml file changes
pf connection create --file ./my_chatbot/openai.yaml --set api_key=<your_api_key> --name open_ai_connection

For Azure OpenAI key, establish the connection by running the command, using the azure_openai.yaml file:
pf connection create --file ./my_chatbot/azure_openai.yaml --set api_key=<your_api_key> api_base=<your_api_base> --name open_ai_connection

Chat with your flow
In the my_chatbot folder, there's a flow.dag.yaml file that outlines the flow, including inputs/outputs, nodes, connection, and the LLM model, etc

Note that in the chat node, we're using a connection named open_ai_connection (specified in connection field) and the gpt-35-turbo model (specified in deployment_name field). The deployment_name filed is to specify the OpenAI model, or the Azure OpenAI deployment resource.

Interact with your chatbot by running: (press Ctrl + C to end the session)
pf flow test --flow ./my_chatbot --interactive

Continue to delve deeper into prompt flow.
Release History
v1.15.0 (2024.08.15)
Bugs fixed

[promptflow-azure] Fixed Connection aborted error for local to cloud run when registering the run to cloud.
[promptflow-core] Fixed openai error handler not functioning for AsyncPrompty.
[promptflow-devkit] Fixed trace view can't display boolean output.

v1.14.0 (2024.07.25)

[promptflow-devkit] Add promptflow to dockerfile when build flow with python_requirements_txt incase promptflow not exists in custom requirements.
[promptflow-core] Remove dependency on docutils package.

v1.13.0 (2024.06.28)
Bugs Fixed

Fix incompatibility with trace.NoOpTracerProvider when set exporter to prompt flow service.
Add missing user agent in trace usage telemetry.


[promptflow-devkit] Support setting config of local prompt flow service host
[promptflow-azure] Reduced time latency for local to cloud run by caching the arm token.

v1.12.0 (2024.06.11)
Bugs fixed

[promptflow-core] Fix ChatUI can't work in docker container when running image build with pf flow build.
[promptflow-core] Fix #3355 that IndexError is raised when generator is used in a flow and the flow is called inside another flow.
[promptflow-azure] Fixed the timezone issue of creation time for local to cloud run.


[promptflow-devkit] Add retry logic when uploading run details to cloud.
[promptflow-devkit] Add trace usage telemetry.

v1.11.0 (2024.05.17)

Introducing flex flow - design powerful LLM apps with the flexibility of Python functions or classes, and seamlessly test and run your logic with our VS Code Extension. Learn more about flex flow here
Introducing prompty - an experimental feature by for streamlining the creation of prompt templates. Simplify your development with .prompty files and elevate your prompts with ease! Learn more about prompty here.

Features Added

[promptflow-devkit]: Upload local run details to cloud when trace destination is configured to cloud. See here for more details.
[promptflow-core]: Support modifying the promptflow logger format through environment variables, reach here for more details.


[promptflow-devkit]: Interactive browser credential is excluded by default when using Azure AI connections, user could set PF_NO_INTERACTIVE_LOGIN=False to enable it.
[promptflow-devkit]: Add new --engine parameter for pf flow serve. This parameter can be used to switch python serving engine between flask and fastapi, currently it defaults to flask.
[promptflow-azure]: Refine trace Cosmos DB setup process to print setup status during the process, and display error message from service when setup failed.
[promptflow-devkit][promptflow-azure] - Return the secrets in the connection object by default to improve flex flow experience.

Reach the sub package docs for more details about this. promptflow-devkit promptflow-azure

[promptflow-azure] Check workspace/project trace Cosmos DB status and honor when create run in Azure.

Bugs Fixed

Fix the issue that import error will be raised after downgrading promptflow from >=1.10.0 to <1.8.0.
Fix the issue that pf flow serve is broken with exception NotADirectoryError.
[promptflow-devkit]: Fix the issue that chat window error is hard to understand.
[promptflow-devkit]: Fix the perf issue because of dns delay when check pfs status.
[promptflow-devkit]: Fix the issue that original flex yaml will be overridden when testing non-yaml flow
[promptflow-devkit] Fix run snapshot does not honor gitignore/amlignore.

v1.10.0 (2024.04.26)
Features Added

[promptflow-devkit]: Expose --ui to trigger a chat window, reach here for more details.
[promptflow-devkit]: Local serving container support using fastapi engine and tuning worker/thread num via environment variables, reach here for more details.
[promptflow-core]: Add fastapi serving engine support.
[promptflow-devkit]: Support search experience with simple Python expression in trace UI, reach here for more details.

v1.9.0 (2024.04.17)
Features Added

[promptflow-devkit]: Added autocomplete feature for linux, reach here for more details.
[promptflow-devkit]: Support trace experience in flow test and batch run. See here for more details.

Bugs Fixed

[promptflow-devkit] Fix run name missing directory name in some scenario of
[promptflow-devkit] Raise not supported instead of 404 when trying to create Azure AI connection.


[promptflow-core] Connection default api version changed:

AzureOpenAIConnection: 2023-07-01-preview -> 2024-02-01
CognitiveSearchConnection: 2023-07-01-preview -> 2023-11-01

v1.8.0 (2024.04.10)

promptflow package has been split into multiple packages. When installing promptflow, you will get the following packages:


promptflow-tracing: Tracing capability for promptflow.
promptflow-core: Core functionality to run flow.
promptflow-devkit: Development kit for promptflow.
promptflow-azure: Azure extra requires(promptflow[azure]) for promptflow to integrate with Azure.

Features Added

[SDK/CLI] Create a run with resume_from, note that only run created with promptflow>=1.8.0 can be used as the value of resume_from:

CLI: Support pf run create --resume-from <original-run-name> to create a run resume from another run.
SDK: Support<original-run-name>) to create a run resume from another run.

[SDK/CLI][azure] Create a run with resume_from.

CLI: Support pfazure run create --resume-from <original-run-name> to create a run resume from another run.
SDK: Support<original-run-name>) to create a run resume from another run.

v1.7.0 (2024.03.25)

Import warnings will be printed when importing from promptflow namespace, please use imports from new namespaces
suggested in the warning message.

Features Added

[Batch] Added per-line logging for batch runs, stored under the flow_logs folder.
[SDK/CLI] Support AzureOpenAIConnection.from_env and OpenAIConnection.from_env. Reach more details here.

Bugs Fixed

[SDK/CLI] environment variable PF_HOME_DIRECTORY doesn't work for run details & logs.
[SDK/CLI] Support override hard coded "deployment_name" and "model".
[SDK] connection.provider config doesn't work when calling flow as a function.
[SDK/CLI] Support override unprovided connection inputs in nodes.

v1.6.0 (2024.03.01)
Features Added

[CLI] Support configuring environment variable to directly use AzureCliCredential for pfazure commands.

[SDK/CLI] Support setting timeout for pfazure run stream.
[SDK/CLI] Support pfazure flow update to update flow's metadata like display_name, description or tags.
[SDK/CLI][azure] Support identity support for run for automatic runtime.

Bugs Fixed

[SDK/CLI] Tool meta generated by script tool contains inputs setting.


Bump cryptography lower bound to 42.0.4.
[Executor] Modify the default worker count for batch run from 16 to 4.

Bugs Fixed

[SDK/CLI][azure] Fixed automatic runtime session id cache when image updated.

v1.5.0 (2024.02.06)
Features Added

[SDK/CLI][azure] Support specify compute instance as session compute in run.yaml
[SDK/CLI][azure] Stop support specifying idle_time_before_shutdown_minutes for automatic runtime since each session will be auto deleted after execution.

Bugs Fixed

[SDK/CLI] The inputs of node test allows the value of reference node output be passed directly in.
[SDK/CLI][azure] Fixed bug for cloud batch run referencing registry flow with automatic runtime.
[SDK/CLI] Fix "Without Import Data" in run visualize page when invalid JSON value exists in metrics.
[SDK/CLI][azure] Fix azureml serving get UAI(user assigned identity) token failure bug.
[SDK/CLI] Fix flow as function connection override when node has default variant.


[SDK/CLI] For pf run delete, pf connection delete, introducing an option to skip confirmation prompts.
[SDK/CLI] Move pfs extra dependency to required dependency.

v1.4.0 (2024.01.22)
Features Added

[Executor] Calculate system_metrics recursively in api_calls.
[Executor] Add flow root level api_calls, so that user can overview the aggregated metrics of a flow.
[Executor] Add @trace decorator to make it possible to log traces for functions that are called by tools.
[Tool] InputSetting of tool supports passing undefined configuration.
[SDK/CLI][azure] Switch automatic runtime's session provision to system wait.
[SDK/CLI] Add --skip-open-browser option to pf flow serve to skip opening browser.
[SDK/CLI][azure] Support submit flow to sovereign cloud.
[SDK/CLI] Support pf run delete to delete a run irreversibly.
[SDK/CLI][azure] Automatically put requirements.txt to flow.dag.yaml if exists in flow snapshot.
[SDK/CLI] Support pf upgrade to upgrade prompt flow to the latest version.
[SDK/CLI] Support env variables in yaml file.

Bugs Fixed

Fix unaligned inputs & outputs or pandas exception during get details against run in Azure.
Fix loose flow path validation for run schema.
Fix "Without Import Data" in run visualize page results from invalid JSON value (-Infinity, Infinity and NaN).
Fix "ValueError: invalid width -1" when show-details against long column(s) in narrow terminal window.
Fix invalid tool code generated when initializing the script tool with icon.


[SDK/CLI] For pfazure flow create:

If used by non-msft tenant user, use user name instead of user object id in the remote flow folder path. (e.g. Users/<user-name>/promptflow).
When flow has unknown attributes, log warning instead of raising error.
Use local flow folder name and timestamp as the azure flow file share folder name.

[SDK/CLI] For pf/pfazure run create, when run has unknown attribute, log warning instead of raising error.
Replace pyyaml with ruamel.yaml to adopt YAML 1.2 specification.

v1.3.0 (2023.12.27)
Features Added

[SDK/CLI] Support pfazure run cancel to cancel a run on Azure AI.
Add support to configure prompt flow home directory via environment variable PF_HOME_DIRECTORY.

Please set before importing promptflow, otherwise it won't take effect.

[Executor] Handle KeyboardInterrupt in flow test so that the final state is Canceled.

Bugs Fixed

[SDK/CLI] Fix single node run doesn't work when consuming sub item of upstream node


Change ruamel.yaml lower bound to 0.17.10.
[SDK/CLI] Improve pfazure run download to handle large run data files.
[Executor] Exit the process when all async tools are done or exceeded timeout after cancellation.

v1.2.0 (2023.12.14)
Features Added

[SDK/CLI] Support pfazure run download to download run data from Azure AI.
[SDK/CLI] Support pf run create to create a local run record from downloaded run data.

Bugs Fixed

[SDK/CLI] Removing telemetry warning when running commands.
Empty node stdout & stderr to avoid large visualize HTML.
Hide unnecessary fields in run list for better readability.
Fix bug that ignores timeout lines in batch run status summary.

v1.1.1 (2023.12.1)
Bugs Fixed

[SDK/CLI] Fix compatibility issue with semantic-kernel==0.4.0.dev0 and azure-ai-ml==1.12.0.
[SDK/CLI] Add back workspace information in CLI telemetry.
[SDK/CLI] Disable the feature to customize user agent in CLI to avoid changes on operation context.
Fix openai metrics calculator to adapt openai v1.

v1.1.0 (2023.11.30)
Features Added

Add pfazure flow show/list to show or list flows from Azure AI.
Display node status in run visualize page graph view.
Add support for image input and output in prompt flow.
[SDK/CLI] SDK/CLI will collect telemetry by default, user can use pf config set telemetry.enabled=false to opt out.
Add raise_on_error for stream run API, by default we raise for failed run.
Flow as function: consume a flow like a function with parameters mapped to flow inputs.
Enable specifying the default output path for run.

Use pf config set run.output_path=<output-path> to specify, and the run output path will be <output-path>/<run-name>.
Introduce macro ${flow_directory} for run.output_path in config, which will be replaced with corresponding flow directory.
The flow directory cannot be set as run output path, which means pf config set run.output_path='${flow_directory}' is invalid; but you can use child folder, e.g. pf config set run.output_path='${flow_directory}/.runs'.

Support pfazure run create with remote flow.

For remote workspace flow: pfazure run create --flow azureml:<flow-name>
For remote registry flow: pfazure run create --flow azureml://registries/<registry-name>/models/<flow-name>/versions/<flow-version>

Support set logging level via environment variable PF_LOGGING_LEVEL, valid values includes CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, default to INFO.
Remove openai version restrictions

Bugs Fixed

[SDK/CLI] Fix node test with dict node input will raise "Required input(s) missing".
[SDK/CLI] Will use run name as display name when display name not specified (used flow folder name before).
[SDK/CLI] Fix pf flow build created unexpected layer of dist folder
[SDK/CLI] Fix deploy prompt flow: connections value may be none


Force 'az login' if using azureml connection provider in cli command.
Add env variable 'PF_NO_INTERACTIVE_LOGIN' to disable interactive login if using azureml connection provider in promptflow sdk.
Improved CLI invoke time.
Bump pydash upper bound to 8.0.0.
Bump SQLAlchemy upper bound to 3.0.0.
Bump flask upper bound to 4.0.0, flask-restx upper bound to 2.0.0.
Bump ruamel.yaml upper bound to 1.0.0.

v1.0.0 (2023.11.09)
Features Added

[Executor] Add enable_kwargs tag in tools.json for customer python tool.
[SDK/CLI] Support pfazure flow create. Create a flow on Azure AI from local flow folder.
[SDK/CLI] Changed column mapping ${run.inputs.xx}'s behavior, it will refer to run's data columns instead of run's inputs columns.

Bugs Fixed

[SDK/CLI] Keep original format in run output.jsonl.
[Executor] Fix the bug that raise an error when an aggregation node references a bypassed node


[Executor] Set the outputs of the bypassed nodes as None

v0.1.0b8 (2023.10.26)
Features Added

[Executor] Add average execution time and estimated execution time to batch run logs
[SDK/CLI] Support pfazure run archive/restore/update.
[SDK/CLI] Support custom strong type connection.
[SDK/CLI] Enable telemetry and won't collect by default, use pf config set cli.telemetry_enabled=true to opt in.
[SDK/CLI] Exposed function from promptflow import load_run to load run object from local YAML file.
[Executor] Support ToolProvider for script tools.

Bugs Fixed

pf config set:

Fix bug for workspace connection.provider=azureml doesn't work as expected.

[SDK/CLI] Fix the bug that using sdk/cli to submit batch run did not display the log correctly.
[SDK/CLI] Fix encoding issues when input is non-English with pf flow test.
[Executor] Fix the bug can't read file containing "Private Use" unicode character.
[SDK/CLI] Fix string type data will be converted to integer/float.
[SDK/CLI] Remove the max rows limitation of loading data.
[SDK/CLI] Fix the bug --set not taking effect when creating run from file.


[SDK/CLI] Experience improvements in pf run visualize page:

Add column status.
Support opening flow file by clicking run id.

v0.1.0b7.post1 (2023.09.28)
Bug Fixed

Fix extra dependency bug when importing promptflow without azure-ai-ml installed.

v0.1.0b7 (2023.09.27)
Features Added

pf flow validate: support validate flow
pf config set: support set user-level promptflow config.

Support workspace connection provider, usage: pf config set connection.provider=azureml://subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group>/providers/Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/<workspace_name>

Support override openai connection's model when submitting a flow. For example: pf run create --flow ./ --data ./data.jsonl --connection llm.model=xxx --column-mapping url='${data.url}'

Bugs Fixed

[Flow build] Fix flow build file name and environment variable name when connection name contains space.
Reserve .promptflow folder when dump run snapshot.
Read/write log file with encoding specified.
Avoid inconsistent error message when executor exits abnormally.
Align inputs & outputs row number in case partial completed run will break pfazure run show-details.
Fix bug that failed to parse portal url for run data when the form is an asset id.
Fix the issue of process hanging for a long time when running the batch run.


[Executor][Internal] Improve error message with more details and actionable information.
[SDK/CLI] pf/pfazure run show-details:

Add --max-results option to control the number of results to display.
Add --all-results option to display all results.

Add validation for azure PFClient constructor in case wrong parameter is passed.

v0.1.0b6 (2023.09.15)
Features Added

[promptflow][Feature] Store token metrics in run properties

Bugs Fixed

Refine error message body for
Refine error message body for
[Executor][Internal] Add some unit test to improve code coverage of log/metric
[SDK/CLI] Update portal link to remove flight.
[Executor][Internal] Improve inputs mapping's error message.
[API] Resolve warnings/errors of sphinx build

v0.1.0b5 (2023.09.08)
Features Added

pf run visualize: support lineage graph & display name in visualize page

Bugs Fixed

Add missing requirement psutil in

v0.1.0b4 (2023.09.04)
Features added

Support pf flow build commands

v0.1.0b3 (2023.08.30)

Minor bug fixes.

v0.1.0b2 (2023.08.29)

First preview version with major CLI & SDK features.

Features added

pf flow: init/test/serve/export
pf run: create/update/stream/list/show/show-details/show-metrics/visualize/archive/restore/export
pf connection: create/update/show/list/delete
Azure AI support:

pfazure run: create/list/stream/show/show-details/show-metrics/visualize

v0.1.0b1 (2023.07.20)

Stub version in Pypi.


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