Promypy 0.3.0 | Coderz Product

promypy 0.3.0

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promypy 0.3.0


You've decided to add type annotation on the code source. What's your plan? 😅
This package is a small tool set to help you to achieve your dreamed fully type annotation project. 🚀
Using mypy, you'd probably add a files
entry on your configuration file, and each time someone on the team wants to include type annotation on that file,
you'd add on the files list. There are a some problems with this approach:

Each new file is not added to the files list.
If a file gets fully type annotated, you don't notice, and it will not be added to the files list.

The 1. is more important, as we don't want to have regressions on our goal to have our code source fully type annotated.
But you don't want to worry about 2. as well...
What this package does:

dump: Generates a list of files that are currently not type annotated.
check: Given an input of files:

If a file is in the list, and is fully type annotated, it will be removed from the list.
If a file is in the list, and is not fully annotated, it will be ignored.
If a file is not in the list, and is fully annotated, it will be ignored.
If a file is not in the list, and is not fully annotated, it will raise errors.

As usual.
pip install promypy

There are two commands available: dump and check.
The idea of this command is to store the list of files that are not fully type annotated into a file.
Usage: promypy dump [OPTIONS] FILES...

Generate a list of files that are not fully type annotated.

FILES... [required]

--mypy-args TEXT
--output TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.

Usage: promypy check [OPTIONS] FILES...

Check the given files with mypy, applying a set of custom rules.

FILES... [required]

-f, --ignore-file PATH [required]
--mypy-args TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.

Add the following to your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:
- repo:
rev: 0.3.0
- id: promypy
- --ignore-file=<dump_filename>

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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