Proteuslib 0.2.0 | Coderz Product

proteuslib 0.2.0

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proteuslib 0.2.0

ProteusLib is an open-source, integrated suite of predictive multi-scale models for design and optimization of water treatment processes and systems. Specifically, ProteusLib is a new library of water treatment-specific property, process unit, and network models that depend on the IDAES Platform, an open source, next generation process systems engineering platform developed at the National Energy Technology Laboratory with other partners. The ProteusLib project is funded by the NAWI as a part of U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy-Water Desalination Hub. The goal of ProteusLib is to assist the hub and the broader water R&D community in assessing existing and emerging water treatment technologies by 1) providing predictive capabilities involving the design, optimization, and performance of water treatment systems that will lead to improved energy efficiency and lower cost, 2) advancing the state of the art for the design of water treatment components, systems and networks to be comparable with, or even surpass, that in the chemical industry, and 3) disseminating these tools for active use by water treatment researchers and engineers.


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