Pss Fleet Data Client 0.4.1 | Coderz Product

pss-fleet-data-client 0.4.1

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pssfleetdataclient 0.4.1

Pixel Starships Fleet Data API client

An async client library to access the PSS Fleet Data API. Currently supported API version is 1.4.0.

Built with
pydantic V2

✨ Features

Fully typehinted so your favorite IDE can assist you with code completion.
Easy access to any instance of a PSS Fleet Data API server.
Fast setup to get you started quickly.

🔍 Future plans

Support more Python versions

🚀 Demo
To retrieve the last month's tournament results (a specific Collection):
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timezone

from pss_fleet_data import ParameterInterval, PssFleetDataClient, utils

# Create the client, specifying the API server's base URL. If you don't specify a base URL, it defaults to
client = PssFleetDataClient(base_url="")

async def print_latest_tournament_results():
# Get the current time
now =

# Tournament results are collected shortly before the start of a new month.
# Calculate the most recent start of month relative to now.
most_recent_timestamp = utils.get_most_recent_timestamp(now, ParameterInterval.MONTHLY)

# Then get the most recent data collected before the calculated timestamp.
collection = await client.get_most_recent_collection_by_timestamp(most_recent_timestamp)

# Work with the Collection.
print(f"Collection with ID {collection.metadata.collection_id} collected at {collection.metadata.timestamp}.")
print(f"It has collected {collection.metadata.fleet_count} fleets and {len(collection.users)} players.")

# You can use the Collection's ID in other methods, too, e.g. get the top 100 players at the end of the month.
_, top_100_users = await client.get_top_100_users_from_collection(collection.metadata.collection_id)
print(f"The player ranked 3rd last month was: {top_100_users[2].name}")

# Or obtain the player stats of the 2nd best player last month over time
user_history = await client.get_user_history(top_100_users[1].id, interval=ParameterInterval.MONTHLY)
"Found %i history entries for player %s from %s to %s",

if __name__ == "__main__":

The library converts localized datetime objects to UTC or assumes UTC, if now timezone information is given. Any datetime objects returned are in UTC.
⚙️ Installation
Python 3.11 or higher is required
To install the latest version of this library, run the following command:
pip install -U pss-fleet-data-client

🖊️ Contribute
If you ran across a bug or have a feature request, please check if there's already an issue for that and if not, open a new one.
If you want to fix a bug or add a feature, please check out the Contribution Guide.
🆘 Support
If you need help using the library or want to contribute, you can join my support Discord at:
🔗 Links

Documentation (tbd)
Official Support Discord server
PSS Fleet Data API
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