Psychopy Eyelink Coregraphics 2.1.762.0

psychopy-eyelink-coregraphics 2.1.762.0

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psychopyeyelinkcoregraphics 2.1.762.0

This package from SR Research Ltd. provides an implementation of the EyeLink Core Graphics library's callback-handling using PsychoPy libraries.
For PsychoPy users who are interested in manually scripting psychophysical experimental paradigms that integrate eye-tracking methodology using EyeLink devices from SR Research Ltd., this package provides the interface between the core API integration (c.f. sr-research-pylink, a dependency package of psychopy-eyelink-coregraphics)) and the graphics interface provided by the psychopy.visual class. This psychopy-eyelink-coregraphics package is also a dependency of the EyeLink plugin for PsychoPy Builder from SR Research Ltd., which may be preferred by PsychoPy/EyeLink users who prefer the PsychoPy Builder interface rather than scripting their projects in PsychoPy Coder or other IDEs.
Please visit the SR Research Support Forums for more information, educational material and Q&A.


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