Py Mini Sh 0.1.5 | Coderz Repository

py-mini-sh 0.1.5

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pyminish 0.1.5

Version: 0.1.5

This package provides helper functions to simplify the writing of
platform-independent sh-like scripts in Python.
Full documentation can be found at Read-the-Docs, the source for which is in the
docs folder.

Using this package
Either fetch this package directly from Git, or pull it from the Python
Packaging index.

Pip-install from Git:
pip install -U git+

Pip-install from PyPI:
pip install -U py_mini_sh

Dog Food
The script used to develop and test this component uses the py_mini_sh
itself. To start development of this component, follow these steps:

Clone this repo onto a machine from
git clone

Cd to the py_mini_sh folder and run the buildall script in
this folder:
buildall 36
The argument specifies which version of Python you wish to use. 27,
34, 35, and 36 are supported.

This buildall script will perform the following steps:

Builds a virtualenv derived from the specified version of Python.
Installs the py_mini_sh package into this virtualenv in “develop”
Builds the documentation into the SHIP folder.
Runs pylint over the source and fails if the results are worse than
the previous run.
Runs pytest tests which generate a coverage report into the SHIP
Builds the bdist_wheel for this package into the SHIP folder.

This software is made available under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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