Pyactms 0.0.2 | Coderz Product

pyactms 0.0.2

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pyactms 0.0.2

ActMS - python interface
This is a library to enable mental simulation of multiple cognitive models within the Cognitive Architecture ACT-R.
ACT-MS (ACT-R Mental Simulation) is an implementation based on the Python dispatcher included in ACT-R Version 7.13, which facilitates the use of ACT-R commands within a Python environment and vice versa. ACT-MS incorporates multiple functions relevant to coordinate the simultaneous simulation of multiple ACT-R models. An exemplary use case can be found in the below publication [1].
Overall, the library contains methods to:

to forward and exchange parameters between the metamodel and the submodels.
save the exchanged simulation parameters in a dictionary.
enable utility learning over multiple ACT-R runs by saving the utility of one run respectively.

pip install pyactms

pip install git+

Take a look at the examples folder for an exemplary use case.
Call of the method simulate-submodel in a production of the metamodel to start the mental simulation of another specified ACT-R model middle-model.
(p simulate-middle-submodel
state simulate-submodel
action =actionnumber
state free
action =actionnumber
!eval! ("simulate-submodel" "middle-model" =actionnumber)

Call of the method return-from-submodel in a production of the submodel to forward given parameters to the metamodel and save them within a specific slot of the imaginal chunk resultactionone.
(P action-retour-1
state action-1
action 1
state free
response =duration
cmd press-key
key =duration
state idle
action idle
!eval! ("return-from-submodel" =duration 1 "retrieve-action" "resultactionone")

Initialization of ACT-MS. Saving the session number in the simulation results. Run of ACT-R model. Fetching the saved simulation / forwarded paramenters and saving them to a dataframe. Printing the dataframe.
import actr
import actms as ms
session = 1

actms = ActMS('mainmodelname')

actr.run_until_condition("end-program", True)

# return simulation results as df
printer = actms.Protocol("Session", session)


Files - Contains the interface of ACT-MS and methods to load a user data set into the visicon of ACT-R. - Contains the dispatcher of ACT-R version 7.12., which is necessary to form a connection between python and ACT-R (see




Possible additional feature to add:

Add more dynamic and additional possibilites to save simulation parameters
Add more possibilities to exchange parameters
Add debugging support

Developing pyactms
To install pyactcv along with the tools to develop and run tests please run the following in your virtualenv:
$ pip install -e .[dev]

[1] new paper


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