Pyasdl 22.1.23 | Coderz Product

pyasdl 22.1.23

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pyasdl 22.1.23

A yet another implementation for Zephyr ASDL format.
parse(source: str, *, filename: str = "<pyasdl>") -> Module
Parse the given source string, and return the AST in the shape of an pyasdl.Module. The
full format is defined in the grammar.asdl file. The filename
can be optionally supplied, and will be displayed if there is any syntax error.
fetch_comments(source: str) -> Iterator[str]:
Return an iterator of the ASDL comments in the given source string.
is_simple_sum(node: Sum) -> bool:
Check whether if the given node's all children lack any fields.
Here is a list of example tools that process the given ASDL with PyASDL:

Typing Stub Generator
Python Class Generator
ESDL Generator
GraphQL Converter


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