Pyclean 3.0.0 | Coderz Product

pyclean 3.0.0

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pyclean 3.0.0


Worried about .pyc files and __pycache__ directories? Fear not!
PyClean is here to help. Finally the single-command clean up for Python
bytecode files in your favorite directories. On any platform.

Presented at PyConX, Firenze 2019.

Wait! What is bytecode?
Bytecode is opcodes for the Python Virtual Machine. – Confused?
If you want to deep-dive into the topic watch the 2013 EuroPython talk
“All Singing All Dancing Python Bytecode” by Larry Hastings.
Otherwise James Bennett’s “Introduction to Python bytecode” should
provide you with just the sound understanding of what it is all about.

Why not simply use rm **/*.pyc or find -name '*.py?' -delete?
If you’re happy with rm or find, go for it! When I was looking
for a simple, concise solution for everybody I figured people are
struggling, and simple things are more complicated than they appear at
first sight.
Also, there is a pyclean command (and its siblings) on Debian. And,
well, only on Debian as it turns out. Not that I’m a big fan of Mircosoft
Windos, but why ignore the biggest Python population on this planet?
(As if they weren’t punished enough already using this unfree piece of

Just for reference, the Python scripts Debian ships with its
python-minimal and python3-minimal packages can be found at:


$ pip install pyclean
$ python -m pip install pyclean

$ pyclean --help
$ python -m pyclean --help
Clean up all bytecode in the current directory tree, and explain verbosely:
$ pyclean -v .

Clean up debris
PyClean can clean up leftovers, generated data and temporary files from
popular Python development tools in their default locations, along with
Python bytecode. The following topics are currently covered:

Cache (general purpose folder for several tools, e.g. Python eggs, legacy Pytest)
Coverage (coverage database, and supported file formats)
Packaging (build files and folders)
Pytest (build files and folders)
Ruff (ruff cache folder)
Jupyter (notebook checkpoints) – optional
Mypy (mypy cache folder) – optional
Tox (tox environments) – optional

Example: Dry-run a cleanup of bytecode and tool debris in verbose mode
(to see what would be deleted):
$ pyclean . --debris --verbose --dry-run

Remove arbitrary file system objects
PyClean also lets you remove free-form targets using globbing. Note that
this is potentially dangerous: You can delete everything anywhere in
the file system, including the entire project you’re working on. For this
reason, the --erase option has a few artificial constraints:

It doesn’t do recursive deletion by itself, which means that you have
to specify the directory and its contents, separately and explicitly.
The above entails that you’re responsible for the deletion order, i.e.
removal of a directory will only work if you asked to delete all files
inside first.
You’re prompted interactively to confirm deletion, unless you specify
the --yes option, in addition.

$ pyclean . --erase tmp/**/* tmp/
The above would delete the entire tmp/ directory with all subdirectories
inside the current folder. If you omit the final tmp/ you’ll leave the
empty tmp directory in place. (WARNING! Don’t put the . after
the --erase option! Obviously, your project files will all be deleted.)

Use pyclean with Tox
If you want to avoid installing pyclean you can add it to your
tox.ini file as follows:
skip_install = true
deps = pyclean
commands = pyclean {posargs:. --debris}
You’ll then be able to run it with Tox like this:
$ tox -e clean

If you want to help out please see our contribution guide.


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