Pycss Lem 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

pycss-lem 0.1.0

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pycsslem 0.1.0

It is an open-source program written in Python for 2D slope stability analysis of circular surfaces by the limit equilibrium method (Fellenius and Bishop methods).

Downloading the program
To install pyCSS v0.1.0 from PyPI, run this command in your terminal:
pip install pycss-lem
Also, you can clone the original repo directory (release v0.0.9) using git:
git clone --branch v0.0.9
or directly use the download options from GitHub.

Installing dependencies
The program has been tested in Python ≥3.6. It is suggested to create a virtual environment to use the program.
From release v0.1.0, the program is expected to install its dependencies automatically. If this does not happen, please follow the instructions as for previous releases:
Download the requirements.txt file. In the same directory, type and execute the following line in your terminal:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Release v0.1.0+
You can run the program by editing the file located in the ./examples/ directory of the installation folder.
Use the examples located in the same folder as an input guide.
Then, save the script wherever you need it to be saved, and run it by typing the following line from the terminal:
Note: the graphical user interface is not yet available from release v0.1.0.

Release v0.0.9
You can run the program via GUI by typing the following line in the root directory:
Or editing the file located in the root directory and running it:
You can test the program by runing the files in the /examples folder.
cd examples/
If the example runs successfully, the program will create two files. One is a graphical output of the slope and the stability analysis. The second file is a text file with a summary of the run.

Please refer to the user manual user manual for release v0.0.9 to learn more. Currently, the manual is in Spanish, but in the future, we will translate it to English.

To cite pyCSS in publications, use:

Suarez-Burgoa, Ludger O., and Exneyder A. Montoya-Araque. 2016.
“Programa en código abierto para el análisis bidimensional de estabilidad
de taludes por el método de equilibrio límite.” Revista de La Facultad
de Ciencias 5 (2): 88–104. <>.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is:
doi = {10.15446/rev.fac.cienc.v5n2.59914},
journal = {Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias},
keywords = {C{\'{o}}digo fuente libre,an{\'{a}}lisis de estabilidad de taludes,m{\'{e}}todo de Bishop,m{\'{e}}todo de equilibrio l{\'{i}}mite},
month = {jul},
number = {2},
pages = {88--104},
title = {{Programa en c{\'{o}}digo abierto para el an{\'{a}}lisis bidimensional de estabilidad de taludes por el m{\'{e}}todo de equilibrio l{\'{i}}mite}},
volume = {5},
year = {2016}


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