Pydanilov 0.0.7b8 | Coderz Product

pydanilov 0.0.7b8

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pydanilov 0.0.7b8

pyDanilov is a Python3 implementation of the Danilov model,
a semi-empirical model of the non-auroral Earth's ionosphere D-Region.
Reference: Danilov, Rodevich, and Smirnova, Adv. Space Res.
15, #2, 165, 1995,

z - solar zenith angle in degrees
it - season (month)
f - F10.7 solar radio flux (daily)
vKp - Kp magnetic index (3-hour)
f5SW - indicator for Stratospheric Warming (SW) conditions
=0 no SW, =0.5 minor SW, =1 major SW
f6WA - indicator for Winter Anomaly (WA) conditions
=0 no WA, =0.5 weak WA, =1 strong WA

Criteria for SW and WA indicators:

SW minor: Temperature increase at the 30 hPa level by 10 deg.
SA major: The same but by 20 degrees.
WA weak: An increase of the absorption in the 2-2.8 MHz range at short A3 paths by 15 dB
WA strong: The same by 30 dB.

Only for month 12 to 2 (winter).

numpy array of electron density [m-3] at h=60,65,70,75,80,85, and 90km


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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