Pydantic Pkgr 0.1.4 | Coderz Product

pydantic-pkgr 0.1.4

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pydanticpkgr 0.1.4

pydantic-pkgr         📦 apt  brew  pip  npm  â‚Šâ‚Šâ‚ŠSimple Pydantic interfaces for package managers + installed binaries.

This is a Python library for installing & managing packages locally with a variety of package managers.
It's designed for when pip dependencies aren't enough, and your app has to install local binaries at runtime.
pip install pydantic-pkgr

✨ Built with pydantic v2 for strong static typing guarantees and json import/export compatibility
📦 Provides consistent cross-platform interfaces for dependency resolution & installation at runtime
🌈 Integrates with django >= 4.0, django-ninja, and OpenAPI + django-jsonform out-of-the-box
🦄 Uses pyinfra / ansible for the actual install operations whenever possible (with internal fallbacks)

Built by ArchiveBox to install & auto-update our extractor dependencies at runtime (chrome, wget, curl, etc.) on macOS/Linux/Docker.

This is BETA software, the API is mostly stable but there may be minor changes later on.

Source Code:

from pydantic_pkgr import *

apt, brew, pip, npm, env = AptProvider(), BrewProvider(), PipProvider(), NpmProvider(), EnvProvider()

dependencies = [
Binary(name='curl', providers=[env, apt, brew]),
Binary(name='wget', providers=[env, apt, brew]),
Binary(name='yt-dlp', providers=[env, pip, apt, brew]),
Binary(name='playwright', providers=[env, pip, npm]),
Binary(name='puppeteer', providers=[env, npm]),
for binary in dependencies:
binary = binary.load_or_install()

print(binary.abspath, binary.version, binary.provider, binary.is_valid)
# Path('/usr/bin/curl') SemVer('7.81.0') 'apt' True

binary.exec(cmd=['--version']) # curl 7.81.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin23.0) libcurl/7.81.0 ...

from pydantic_pkgr import Binary, BinProvider, BrewProvider, EnvProvider

# you can also define binaries as classes, making them usable for type checking
class CurlBinary(Binary):
name: str = 'curl'
providers: list[BinProvider] = [BrewProvider(), EnvProvider()]

curl = CurlBinary().install()
assert isinstance(curl, CurlBinary) # CurlBinary is a unique type you can use in annotations now
print(curl.abspath, curl.version, curl.provider, curl.is_valid) # Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/curl') SemVer('8.4.0') 'brew' True
curl.exec(cmd=['--version']) # curl 8.4.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin23.0) libcurl/8.4.0 ...

from pydantic_pkgr import Binary, EnvProvider, PipProvider

# We also provide direct package manager (aka BinProvider) APIs
apt = AptProvider()
print(apt.PATH, apt.get_abspaths('wget'), apt.get_version('wget'))

# even if packages are installed by tools we don't control (e.g. pyinfra/ansible/puppet/etc.)
from pyinfra.operations import apt
apt.packages(name="Install ffmpeg", packages=['ffmpeg'], _sudo=True)

# our Binary API provides a nice type-checkable, validated, serializable handle
ffmpeg = Binary(name='ffmpeg').load()
print(ffmpeg) # name=ffmpeg abspath=/usr/bin/ffmpeg version=3.3.0 is_valid=True ...
print(ffmpeg.loaded_abspaths) # show all the ffmpeg binaries found in $PATH (in case theres more than one available)
print(ffmpeg.model_dump_json()) # ... everything can also be dumped/loaded as json
print(ffmpeg.model_json_schema()) # ... all types provide OpenAPI-ready JSON schemas

Supported Package Managers
So far it supports installing/finding installed/updating/removing packages on Linux/macOS with:

apt (Ubuntu/Debian/etc.)
brew (macOS/Linux)
pip (Linux/macOS/Windows)
npm (Linux/macOS/Windows)
env (looks for existing version of binary in user's $PATH at runtime)
vendor (you can bundle vendored copies of packages you depend on within your source)

Planned: docker, cargo, nix, apk, go get, gem, pkg, and more using ansible/pyinfra...

pip install pydantic-pkgr

Implementations: EnvProvider, AptProvider, BrewProvider, PipProvider, NpmProvider
This type represents a "provider of binaries", e.g. a package manager like apt/pip/npm, or env (which finds binaries in your $PATH).
BinProviders implement the following interface:

load(bin_name: str), install(bin_name: str), load_or_install(bin_name: str) -> Binary
get_abspaths(bin_name: str) -> [Path('/absolute/path/to/bin'), Path('/other/paths/to/bin'), ...]
get_abspath(bin_name: str) -> Path('/absolute/path/to/bin')
get_version(bin_name: str) -> SemVer('1.0.0')
get_subdeps(bin_name: str) -> InstallStr('somepackage some-extras')
@PATH -> PATHStr('/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:...')

import platform
from typing import List
from pydantic_pkgr import EnvProvider, PipProvider, AptProvider, BrewProvider

### Example: Finding an existing install of bash using the system $PATH environment
env = EnvProvider()
bash = env.load(bin_name='bash')
print(bash.abspath) # Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/bash')
print(bash.version) # SemVer('5.2.26')
bash.exec(['-c', 'echo hi']) # hi

### Example: Installing curl using the apt package manager
apt = AptProvider()
curl = apt.install(bin_name='curl')
print(curl.abspath) # Path('/usr/bin/curl')
print(curl.version) # SemVer('8.4.0')
curl.exec(['--version']) # curl 7.81.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.81.0 ...

### Example: Finding/Installing django with pip (w/ customized binpath resolution behavior)
pip = PipProvider(
abspath_provider={'*': lambda bin_name, **context: inspect.getfile(bin_name)}, # use python inspect to get path instead of os.which
django_bin = pip.load_or_install(bin_name='django')
print(django_bin.abspath) # Path('/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/')
print(django_bin.version) # SemVer('5.0.2')

This type represents a single binary dependency aka a package (e.g. wget, curl, ffmpeg, etc.).
It can define one or more BinProviders that it supports, along with overrides to customize the behavior for each.
Binarys implement the following interface:

load(), install(), load_or_install() -> Binary
provider: BinProviderName (BinProviderName == str)
abspath: Path
abspaths: List[Path]
version: SemVer

from pydantic_pkgr import BinProvider, Binary, BinProviderName, BinName, ProviderLookupDict, SemVer

### Example: Create a re-usable class defining a binary and its providers
class YtdlpBinary(Binary):
name: BinName = 'ytdlp'
description: str = 'YT-DLP (Replacement for YouTube-DL) Media Downloader'

providers_supported: List[BinProvider] = [EnvProvider(), PipProvider(), AptProvider(), BrewProvider()]

# customize installed package names for specific package managers
provider_overrides: Dict[BinProviderName, ProviderLookupDict] = {
'pip': {'subdeps': lambda: 'yt-dlp[default,curl-cffi]'}},
'apt': {'subdeps': lambda: 'yt-dlp ffmpeg'}},
'brew': {'subdeps': 'some.other.module.get_brew_subdeps'}}, # also accepts dotted import path to function

ytdlp = YtdlpBinary().load_or_install()
print(ytdlp.provider) # 'brew'
print(ytdlp.abspath) # Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/yt-dlp')
print(ytdlp.abspaths) # [Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/yt-dlp'), Path('/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp')]
print(ytdlp.version) # SemVer('2024.4.9')
print(ytdlp.is_valid) # True

from pydantic_pkgr import BinProvider, Binary, BinProviderName, BinName, ProviderLookupDict, SemVer

#### Example: Create a binary that uses Podman if available, or Docker otherwise
class DockerBinary(Binary):
name: BinName = 'docker'

providers_supported: List[BinProvider] = [EnvProvider(), AptProvider()]

provider_overrides: Dict[BinProviderName, ProviderLookupDict] = {
'env': {
# example: prefer podman if installed (falling back to docker)
'abspath': lambda: os.which('podman') or os.which('docker') or os.which('docker-ce'),
'apt': {
# example: vary installed package name based on your CPU architecture
'subdeps': lambda: {
'amd64': 'docker',
'armv7l': 'docker-ce',
'arm64': 'docker-ce',
}.get(platform.machine(), 'docker'),

docker = DockerBinary().load_or_install()
print(docker.provider) # 'env'
print(docker.abspath) # Path('/usr/local/bin/podman')
print(docker.abspaths) # [Path('/usr/local/bin/podman'), Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/podman')]
print(docker.version) # SemVer('6.0.2')
print(docker.is_valid) # True

# You can also pass **kwargs to override properties at runtime,
# e.g. if you want to force the abspath to be at a specific path:
custom_docker = DockerBinary(abspath='~/custom/bin/podman').load()
print( # 'docker'
print(custom_docker.provider) # 'env'
print(custom_docker.abspath) # Path('/Users/example/custom/bin/podman')
print(custom_docker.version) # SemVer('5.0.2')
print(custom_docker.is_valid) # True

from pydantic_pkgr import SemVer

### Example: Use the SemVer type directly for parsing & verifying version strings
SemVer.parse('Google Chrome 124.0.6367.208+beta_234. 234.234.123') # SemVer(124, 0, 6367')
SemVer.parse('2024.04.05) # SemVer(2024, 4, 5)
SemVer.parse('1.9+beta') # SemVer(1, 9, 0)
str(SemVer(1, 9, 0)) # '1.9.0'

These types are all meant to be used library-style to make writing your own apps easier.
e.g. you can use it to build things like: playwright install --with-deps)

Django Usage
The pydantic ecosystem helps us get auto-generated, type-checked Django fields & forms that support BinProvider and Binary.

For the full Django experience, we recommend installing these 3 excellent packages:

pip install pydantic-pkgr django-admin-data-views django-pydantic-field django-jsonform

Django Model Usage: Store BinProvider and Binary entries in your model fields
pip install django-pydantic-field

Fore more info see the django-pydantic-field docs...
Example Django showing how to store Binary and BinProvider instances in DB fields:
from django.db import models
from django_pydantic_field import SchemaField

from pydantic_pkgr import BinProvider, Binary, SemVer

class InstalledBinary(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=63)
binary: Binary = SchemaField()
providers: list[BinProvider] = SchemaField(default=[])
version: SemVer = SchemaField(default=(0,0,1))

And here's how to save a Binary using the example model:
# find existing curl Binary in $PATH
curl = Binary(name='curl').load()

# save it to the DB using our new model
obj = InstalledBinary(
binary=curl, # store Binary/BinProvider/SemVer values directly in fields
providers=[env], # no need for manual JSON serialization / schema checking

When fetching it back from the DB, the Binary field is auto-deserialized / immediately usable:
obj = InstalledBinary.objects.get(name='curl') # everything is transparently serialized to/from the DB,
# and is ready to go immediately after querying:
assert obj.binary.abspath == curl.abspath
print(obj.binary.abspath) # Path('/usr/local/bin/curl')
obj.binary.exec(['--version']) # curl 7.81.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin23.0) libcurl/7.81.0 ...

For a full example see our provided django_example_project/...

Django Admin Usage: Display Binary objects nicely in the Admin UI

pip install pydantic-pkgr django-admin-data-views

For more info see the django-admin-data-views docs...
Then add this to your
# ...
# ...

# point these to a function that gets the list of all binaries / a single binary
PYDANTIC_PKGR_GET_ALL_BINARIES = 'pydantic_pkgr.views.get_all_binaries'
PYDANTIC_PKGR_GET_BINARY = 'pydantic_pkgr.views.get_binary'

"NAME": "Environment",
"URLS": [
"route": "binaries/",
"view": "pydantic_pkgr.views.binaries_list_view",
"name": "binaries",
"items": {
"route": "<str:key>/",
"view": "pydantic_pkgr.views.binary_detail_view",
"name": "binary",
# Coming soon: binprovider_list_view + binprovider_detail_view ...

For a full example see our provided django_example_project/...

Note: If you override the default site admin, you must register the views manually...

class YourSiteAdmin(admin.AdminSite):
"""Your customized version of admin.AdminSite"""

custom_admin = YourSiteAdmin()
from pydantic_pkgr.admin import register_admin_views

Django Admin Usage: JSONFormWidget for editing BinProvider and Binary data

This feature is coming soon but is blocked on a few issues being fixed first:

Install django-jsonform to get auto-generated Forms for editing BinProvider, Binary, etc. data
pip install django-pydantic-field django-jsonform

For more info see the django-jsonform docs...
from django.contrib import admin
from django_jsonform.widgets import JSONFormWidget
from django_pydantic_field.v2.fields import PydanticSchemaField

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
formfield_overrides = {PydanticSchemaField: {"widget": JSONFormWidget}}, MyModelAdmin)

For a full example see our provided django_example_project/...

Advanced: Implement your own package manager behavior by subclassing BinProvider
from subprocess import run, PIPE

from pydantic_pkgr import BinProvider, BinProviderName, BinName, SemVer

class CargoProvider(BinProvider):
name: BinProviderName = 'cargo'

def on_setup_paths(self):
if '~/.cargo/bin' not in sys.path:

def on_install(self, bin_name: BinName, **context):
subdeps = self.on_get_subdeps(bin_name)
installer_process = run(['cargo', 'install', *subdeps.split(' ')], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
assert installer_process.returncode == 0

def on_get_subdeps(self, bin_name: BinName, **context) -> InstallStr:
# optionally remap bin_names to strings passed to installer
# e.g. 'yt-dlp' -> 'yt-dlp ffmpeg libcffi libaac'
return bin_name

def on_get_abspath(self, bin_name: BinName, **context) -> Path | None:
return Path(os.which(bin_name))

def on_get_version(self, bin_name: BinName, **context) -> SemVer | None:
return SemVer(run([bin_name, '--version'], stdout=PIPE).stdout.decode())

cargo = CargoProvider()
rg = cargo.install(bin_name='ripgrep')
print(rg.provider) # 'cargo'
print(rg.version) # SemVer(14, 1, 0)


Implement initial basic support for apt, brew, and pip
Provide editability and actions via Django Admin UI using django-pydantic-field and django-jsonform
Implement update and remove actions on BinProviders
Add preinstall and postinstall hooks for things like adding apt sources and running cleanup scripts
Implement more package managers (cargo, gem, go get, ppm, nix, docker, etc.)
Add Binary.min_version that affects .is_valid based on whether it meets minimum SemVer threshold

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