Pydistcheck 0.7.1 | Coderz Product

pydistcheck 0.7.1

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pydistcheck 0.7.1


What is pydistcheck?
pydistcheck is a command line interface (CLI) that you run on Python packages, which can:

detect common portability issues
print useful summaries of the package's contents

It's inspired by R's R CMD check.
Supported formats:

Python sdists
Python wheels
conda packages (both .conda and .tar.bz2)
any .tar.bz2, .tar.gz, or .zip archive

See "How to Test a Python Distribution" to see how it and similar tools like auditwheel, check-wheel-contents, and twine check fit into Python development workflows.
For more background on the value of such a tool, see the SciPy 2022 talk "Does that CSV Belong on PyPI? Probably Not" (video link).
Install with pip.
pip install pydistcheck

Or conda.
conda install -c conda-forge pydistcheck

For more details, see "Installation" (link).
Try it out on the test data in this project ...
pydistcheck tests/data/problematic-package-*

... to see the types of issues it checks for.
------------ check results -----------
1. [files-only-differ-by-case] Found files which differ only by case. Files: problematic-package-0.1.0/problematic_package/,problematic-package-0.1.0/problematic_package/question.PY,problematic-package-0.1.0/problematic_package/
2. [mixed-file-extensions] Found a mix of file extensions for the same file type: .NDJSON (1), .jsonl (1), .ndjson (1)
3. [mixed-file-extensions] Found a mix of file extensions for the same file type: .yaml (2), .yml (1)
4. [path-contains-non-ascii-characters] Found file path containing non-ASCII characters: 'problematic-package-0.1.0/problematic_package/?'
5. [path-contains-spaces] Found path with spaces: 'problematic-package-0.1.0/beep boop.ini'
6. [path-contains-spaces] Found path with spaces: 'problematic-package-0.1.0/problematic_package/bad code/'
7. [path-contains-spaces] Found path with spaces: 'problematic-package-0.1.0/problematic_package/bad code/'
8. [path-contains-spaces] Found path with spaces: 'problematic-package-0.1.0/problematic_package/bad code/'
9. [unexpected-files] Found unexpected directory 'problematic-package-0.1.0/.git/'.
10. [unexpected-files] Found unexpected file 'problematic-package-0.1.0/.gitignore'.
11. [unexpected-files] Found unexpected file 'problematic-package-0.1.0/.hadolint.yaml'.
12. [unexpected-files] Found unexpected file 'problematic-package-0.1.0/problematic_package/.gitignore'.
errors found while checking: 12

And on a built distribution containing compiled objects ...
pydistcheck tests/data/debug-baseballmetrics*.whl

... pydistcheck can detect the inclusion of debug symbols (which increase distribution size).
checking 'tests/data/debug-baseballmetrics-0.1.0-py3-none-macosx_10_15_x86_64.macosx_11_6_x86_64.macosx_12_5_x86_64.whl'
------------ check results -----------
1. [compiled-objects-have-debug-symbols] Found compiled object containing debug symbols. For details, extract the distribution contents and run 'dsymutil -s "lib/lib_baseballmetrics.dylib"'.
errors found while checking: 1

checking 'tests/data/debug-baseballmetrics-py3-none-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.whl'
------------ check results -----------
1. [compiled-objects-have-debug-symbols] Found compiled object containing debug symbols. For details, extract the distribution contents and run 'objdump --all-headers "lib/"'.
errors found while checking: 1

See to learn more.

Python packaging guides:


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