Py3dpolys Le 2023.3 | Coderz Repository

py3dpolys-le 2023.3

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py3dpolysle 2023.3

3D Polymer Simulation of chromosome folding by modeled loop extrusion, boundary elements and loading sites.
Todor Gitchev, Gabriel Zala, Peter Meister, Daniel Jost, 3DPolyS-LE: an accessible simulation framework to model the interplay between chromatin and loop extrusion, Bioinformatics, Volume 38, Issue 24, 15 December 2022, Pages 5454–5456,

Figure 1. Features provided by 3DPolyS-LE. (A) Input parameters for the simulation framework. For the polymer, its length, as well as the location and permeability of individual loading sites and boundary elements for the loop extrusion factors (LEFs) can be defined. The properties of the LEFs include their mode of extrusion (symmetrical/asymmetrical), the extrusion speed, the number of LEFs per polymer and the capacity of LEFs to cross each other (Z-loop formation). (B) Typical outputs of the simulations: virtual Hi-C data (top) and ChIP-Seq profile (bottom) of loop extruders
Packages and libraries:

git client version 2.17.1, only if you use git command to download the repository;
gcc compiler version 7.5.0 or higher;
gfortran compiler version 7.5.0 or higher;
MPI implementation like MPICH and libmpich-dev (Debian/Ubuntu) or openMPI;
HDF5 libraries. Debian/Ubuntu: libhdf5-serial-dev or libhdf5-103 libhdf5-cpp-103 libhdf5-dev libhdf5-mpich-dev;
GNU make version 3.81 or higher;
CMake version 3.15.0 or higher;
Python 3.10, all required packages are listed in the requirements.txt file and alternatively in the environment.yml file;
Mamba version 1.1.0 or higher.

for previous version v2022.9:

Python 3.7, 3.8. 3.9;
Conda version 4.8.2 or higher.

Make sure you have installed or loaded the required libraries.
Typically, gfortran is part of gcc.
If missed, on an HPC cluster you can check if available and load the latest version:
module avail gcc
module load gcc/8.2.0

On an Ubuntu/Debian Linux it can be installed like this:
sudo apt-get install gfortran
# or
sudo apt-get install gcc

For example on an HPC cluster (Slurm) you might need to load the following modules:
Conda (
module load Anaconda3

Alternative could be installation of Mambaforge (
Alternative could be installation of Miniconda (
HDF5 (
module load HDF5

Alternatively, on an Ubuntu/Debian Linux could be installed like hits:
conda install hdf5

MPI (Message Passing Interface)
module load OpenMPI

# OR
module load mvapich2

On an Ubuntu/Debian Linux could be installed like hits:
sudo apt-get install mpich

CMake (
On an HPC cluster (Slurm) you might need to load like this:
module load CMake

Alternatively, you can install it using Conda:
conda install cmake

This module is required only when you build and install the py3DPlyS-LE package.
Be aware that all required HPC modules have to be loaded before you run simulations.
1. Clone repository
from the master branch:
git clone
or from the development branch:
git clone -b develop
2. Build and install
To build and install as Python package, run the following commands:
# go to the cloned repository project folder
cd 3DPolyS-LE
make all

3. Test installation
Check commands help with the following commands:
3dpolys_le -h
3dpolys_le_runner -h
3dpolys_le_stats -h
plot_hic -h
plot_sim_stats -h

If everything was installed properly the complete help should be printed out, otherwise check the '6.Troubleshooting' section bellow.
4. Additional outputs

Figure 2. (A) Grid-simulations run with a 3dpolys_le_runner grid_nlef_km --nlef_list --km_list command and plotted with
a plot_sim_stats --stats_file command to find the best set of parameters that fit a target data. For each parameter set, a Chi2-score is estimated. Example of optimization by varying the
LEF density and extruding speed with synthetic human Hi-C data as target (see Paper's Supp. Methods). (B) Best Hi-C map model predictions from the simulations in (A) (lower part) compared to
target Hi-C data (upper part).
5. Example scenarios

Figure 3. Examples of simulated Hi-C maps for several loop extrusion scenarios.
6. Troubleshooting
Depending on your installation environment, you might want to create a dedicated Python environment.
Go to the cloned repository project's folder:
cd 3DPolyS-LE

Build the default 3DPolyS-LE's Python environment py3dpolys_le:
make env

If your default Python version is a bit old you might need to specify a newer version.
In this case, you can install the py3dpolys_le like that:
mamba env create -f environment.yml python=3.10
# or
mamba create -n py3dpolys_le python=3.10
mamba activate py3dpolys_le
mamba install -y -q numpy pandas matplotlib scipy dask h5py filelock seaborn build cmake -c conda-forge
mamba install -y -q cooler pyranges -c bioconda

Active your py3dpolys_le environment:
mamba activate py3dpolys_le
# or
source activate py3dpolys_le

Finally, build and install:
make all

Check you installation as shown in the 'Test installation' section above.

In case of such an error:

from py3dpolys_le.3dpolys_le import main
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

A possible reason could be incompatibility of Python and Pip versions.
We recommend Pip 21.2.4 as prove to be compatible version with the current .
You can install desired Pip version like that:
python -m pip install pip==21.2.4

If this doesn't help, consider upgrading to Python 3.10.

In case of such an error:

AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'object'. Did you mean: 'object_'?

Try downgrading the numpy package to a version bellow 1.24 like numpy=1.23.5

In case of such an error, and you are on a linux terminal:

qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.

Try the following command, that also could be included in your ~/.bashrc file:
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen

Cleaning your build cmake-buildor any other temporary folders can also help:

To run a simulation:
Create a copy of an input.cfg file and update the parameters you want.
An example copy of such a configuration file you can find in the package:
All simulation's parameters are under section [3dpolys_le], here is an example:
# default 3dpolys_le parameters' values
# polymer characteristics
Nchain = 8860
L = 16
# not used yet: kint = 1.17
Ea = 0.
init_mode = z

# measurements
Niter = 250
Nmeas = 3
Ninter = 840000
burnin = 0
burnout = 0
burnoutM = 0

# Loop-Extrusion factors
kb = 2.8e-6
ku = 2e-6
km = 2.7e-3
Nlef = 200
# optional interaction_sites.csv/tsv: name,position,length,state(1)
# optional: interaction enegry (<0.) used by interaction_sites
# Ei = -1.
# optional lef_loading_sites.csv/tsv: name,position,length,factor
lef_loading_sites = py3dpolys_le/data/ce/dcc_rex-sites_Crane2015_bindings.csv
basal_loading_factor = 0.
# optional boundaries.csv/tsv: name,midpoint,impermeability,score,b-position,strand
boundary = py3dpolys_le/data/ce/dcc_mex-sites_boundaries.csv
boundary_direction = 0
z_loop = true
unidirectional = false

# analysis: experiments in silico:
# 1.42 = 100nm
radius_contact = 2.84
chrom = chrX
# optional: if present will trigger hic3d output with the given factor for a resolution reduction
# hic3d_factor = 5

# hic-chi2-min:

Be aware to update properly the [job_runner] section according to your system environment.
For Slurm environment you can use such a configuration (also could be found in the example input.cfg):
cmd_prefix=sbatch --job-name=3dpolys_le --time=1-00:00:00 --mem-per-cpu=8G --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=8 {cmd_job_dependency}

cmd_prefix=sbatch --job-name=sim_3dpolys_le --time=3-00:00:00 --mem-per-cpu=6G --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=50 --cpus-per-task=1 {cmd_job_dependency}

cmd_prefix=sbatch --job-name=anl_3dpolys_le --time=1-00:00:00 --mem-per-cpu=16G --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=4 {cmd_job_dependency}

cmd_prefix=sbatch --job-name=sts_3dpolys_le --time=1-00:00:00 --mem-per-cpu=16G --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=4 {cmd_job_dependency}

Configuration file sections:
3dpolys_le comprise all parameters for running simulations and data analysis (see above).
job_runner comprise general parameters for scheduling simulation pipeline steps:

cmd_run defines how to treat the generated steps commands with valid values:
shell : execute commands
stdout : print out commands to the standard output
file:<file_path> : save commands into a file. It can be overwritten by a passed 3dpolys_le_runner’s --cmd_run_file argument.
jobid_re defines a regular expression to extract a batch job identifier out of an HPC batch runner output.
cmd_job_dependency defines a template to add an HPC batch job dependency, where {jobid} is a placeholder for the dependency job extracted by the jobid_re regular expression.
cmd_prefix defines the HPC batch command prefix to be used for starting a job, where {cmd_job_dependency} is a placeholder for dependency jobs as built by the cmd_job_dependency parameter.

job_runner_sim contains general parameters for scheduling the first model simulation step:

cmd_prefix same as in the [job_runner] section but specific for this kind of jobs.

job_runner_analysis contains general parameters for scheduling simulation output data analysis HPC batch jobs for generating predicted Chip/HiC/HiC3D data:

cmd_prefix same as in the [job_runner] section but specific for such kind of HPC batch jobs.

job_runner_stats contains general parameters for scheduling the simulation output data analysis HPC batch jobs for calculating hic-hic2-min score and generating additional plots:

cmd_prefix same as in the [job_runner] section but specific for such kind of HPC batch jobs.
plot_format defines plot output format. Possible values supported by Python’s matplotlib like: png, tif, svg.
plot_cmap defines plotting color pallet. Possible values supported by Python’s matplotlib like: YlGnBu, cool, hot_r, gist_heat_r, afmhot_r, YlOrRd, Greys, gist_yarg.

To run each step separately on a personal computer without utilizing an HPC batch system, you can use such [job_runner*] configuration:




With such a configuration file, you can run the steps separately like this:
# 1) running a simulation
3dpolys_le -o:/paht/to/sim_output_folder /path/to/input.cfg

# To get advantage of multiprocessing and parallelizing trajectory simulations, it is recommended to run this command with an MPI runner:
mpirun 3dpolys_le -o:/path/to/sim_output_folder /path/to/input.cfg

# 2) running analyse step: generating predicted Chip, HiC/HiC3D
3dpolys_le -o:/paht/to/sim_output_folder -a:/paht/to/analyse_output_folder /path/to/input.cfg

# 3) running predicted data analyse step: calculating hic-chi2-min score and storing it into a file /path/to/sim_stats.csv
3dpolys_le_stats -o /paht/to/sim_output_folder -a /paht/to/analyse_output_folder -i /path/to/input.cfg -f /path/to/sim_stats.csv

# 4) generating additional plots: contact-decay comparing simulation with an experimental HiC data
3dpolys_le_runner multi_decay_plot -o /paht/to/sim_output_folder -a /paht/to/analyse_output_folder -i /path/to/input.cfg

Alternatively, you can use a singularity image to run the above commands.
singularity pull library://todor/default/py3dpolys_le:latest

Afterwards, you can run the above commands using the following prefix:
singularity exec -H $HOME -B $PWD py3dpolys_le_latest.sif <my 3dpolys_le command>

You might need to adjust the -B parameter to specify bind paths used in the command or the configuration.
Additionally, you can add a batch command prefix to run it in your HPC like IBM’s LSF for example:
bsub -n 12 -R "rusage[mem=8192]" mpirun "<my singularity 3dpolys_le command>"

For a SLURM HPC system, the batch command prefix could be like this:
sbatch --mem-per-cpu=8G --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=12 mpirun <my singularity 3dpolys_le command>
Where the content of the file, needed to overcome some SLURM constrains, is simply:
#! /bin/bash

Demo data and example configuration can be found here and the corresponding commands to run the demo (update paths accordingly to your environment) with the needed data files in .
Be aware, that only the single steps are supported by the singularity image for now, and NOT all 3dpolys_le_runner’s sub-commands (i.e. '3dpolys_le_runner run|grid_nlef_km|new_stats|contact_radius_analysis'). For the unsupported commands you can use the ‘cmd_run’ option in the configuration file (cmd_run=stdout or cmd_run=file:<file_path>) to generate all step commands and execute them manually afterwards. The singularity image supports and has been tested only for OpenMPI, which needs to be available on the host machine.
With a properly configured input.cfg file for your HPC (so far tested only on Slurm) you can start a simulation job including all the above steps with the following command:
3dpolys_le_runner run -i my_sim_input.cfg -o ./my_sim_out
It will start a series of commands including simulation, analysis, and downstream statistical analysis (hic-chi2-min score) and plots (hic, contact-decay).
It is also helpful to save the output of the main 'run' command as it will print out all executed commands and in case of some errors you can rerun the failed one. One way to do that is to save the output in a file:
3dpolys_le_runner run -i my_sim_input.cfg -o ./my_sim_out &> 3dpolys_le_runner.log
In case you want to generate a shell script and execute the single steps one by one, you can generate the run shell script by:
3dpolys_le_runner run -i my_sim_input.cfg -o ./my_sim_out --cmd_run_file
To see all supported parameters, run the following command:
3dpolys_le_runner --help
For using the Python wrapper, triggering data analysis (predicted ChIP, HiC/HiC3D, chi2-min score) steps afterwards.
Alternatively, the simulation engine directly is also available via:
3dpolys_le -h
Other available commands are:
3dpolys_le_stats --help
plot_hic --help
plot_sim_stats --help
hdf5_to_cooler --help
hic_converters --help
Todor Gitchev: "Dynamic modelling of chromosome folding in C. elegans suggests in vivo z-loops formation" - INC consortium


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