Pyenvtool 1.0.0 | Coderz Product

pyenvtool 1.0.0

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pyenvtool 1.0.0

PyEnv Tool
A convienience wrapper for common pyenv operations.
This tool is designed for Python developers who primarily use pyenv to keep
a complete array of up-to-date Python executables installed. This tool should
be considered porcelain to pyenv's plumbing, but NOT as a complete interface
replacement. Many pyenv operations will still need to be perfomed via pyenv's
Operational Goal
pyenvtool is built around the concept of a "main" version which is composed
of a major and minor version, but ignores any bugfix, prerelease, or build
information. That is, 3.11.0, 3.11-dev, and 3.11.2 are all the same
"main" version of 3.11.
pyenvtool operates with the goal that any existing main version of Python
should be left on the system, but updated if possible, and any supported main
versions of Python should be installed if absent.

For every main version that is supported and not present on the system:

The latest bugfix version is installed

For every main version that is supported and present on the system:

The latest bugfix version is installed if not already present
Bugfix versions prior to the latest are uninstalled, unless the
--keep-bugfix option is provided

For every main version that is unsupported and present on the system:

The latest bugfix version is installed if not already present, unless the
--remove-minor option is provided
Bugfix versions prior to the latest are uninstalled, unless the
--keep-bugfix option is provided

Complete help documentation can be found by running pyenvtool --help, the
following is only a quick-start introduction.
The primary usage will be the pyenvtool upgrade command, which will perform
whatever pyenv operations are required to leave the system with a complete
array of up-to-date Python executables. By default, this command will:

Scrape to determine which Python versions are currently supported
Update pyenv with the latest list of available versions (and possibly also
update the pyenv tool itself).
Update any installed Python versions to the latest bugfix version (by
installing the new version and uninstalling any old versions)
Install any supported Python versions, at the latest bugfix, which are not
currently installed
Uninstall any unsupported Python versions EXCEPT for the latest bugfix

This behavior can be changed with the following command arguments:
Keep any existing python versions even if a newer bugfix is available.
Remove ALL unsupported python versions, including the latest bugfix.
Do not update the pyenv tool or the list of available versions
Check the system and determine the necessary changes, but do not execute
To install pyenvtool, run the following command. python3 should point to
whatever Python binary you want to install it under, version 3.8 or later.
python3 -m pip install pyenvtool

This tool requires pyenv to be installed and available in the path. The
pyenv project can be found at along with
documentation and installation instructions.
This package was created with
Cookiecutter and the
project template.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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