Pygimli 1.5.2 | Coderz Product

pygimli 1.5.2

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pygimli 1.5.2

pyGIMLi is an open-source library for modelling and inversion and in geophysics. The object-oriented library provides management for structured and unstructured meshes in 2D and 3D, finite-element and finite-volume solvers, various geophysical forward operators, as well as Gauss-Newton based frameworks for constrained, joint and fully-coupled inversions with flexible regularization.
What is pyGIMLi suited for?

analyze, visualize and invert geophysical data in a reproducible manner
forward modelling of (geo)physical problems on complex 2D and 3D geometries
inversion with flexible controls on a-priori information and regularization
combination of different methods in constrained, joint and fully-coupled inversions
teaching applied geophysics (e.g. in combination with Jupyter notebooks)

What is pyGIMLi NOT suited for?

for people that expect a ready-made GUI for interpreting their data

Before you start, considering its not a bad idea to use virtual environments, so give this a try:
python -m venv pygimli
source pygimli/bin/activate

To install pygimli :
python -m pip install pygimli

You might add the 'all' option to install also optional dependencies.
python -m pip install pygimli['all']

You can see if the installation was successful:
python -c 'import pygimli as pg; pg.version()'

For more information visit pyGIMLi.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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