Pygmol 1.1.2 | Coderz Product

pygmol 1.1.2

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pygmol 1.1.2

Introduction to PyGMol
PyGMol (the Python Global Model) is a simple-to-use 0D model of plasma chemistry.
At its current form, the pygmol package defines the
system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) which govern the plasma chemistry, and
solves them using the scipy.integrate.solve_ivp solver.
Quantities resolved presently by the pygmol model are the densities of all the
heavy species specified by the chemistry input, electron density, and electron
temperature (while heavy-species temperature is treated as a parameter to the model).
The equations being solved for by the model are documented in their full form in the
equations document. The package inner workings, structure and some useful examples
are discussed in the documentation. For further info, refer to the codebase

The pygmol package can be installed either from PyPI
python3 -m pip install pygmol
or from the GitHub page
python3 -m pip install git+

For Developers:
It goes without saying that any development should be done in a clean virtual
After cloning or forking the project from its GitHub page, pygmol can be
installed into the virtual environment in the editable mode by running
pip install -e .[dev]
The [dev] extra installs (apart from the package dependencies) also several
development-related packages, such as pytest, coverage, ipython, or
The unit tests can then be executed, as well as the suite of run tests and documentation
tests, by running (from the project root directory)
pytest [--cov]
pytest run_tests
pytest docs
The project does not have the requirements.txt file by design, as all the package
dependencies are rather handled by the
The package therefore needs to be installed locally to run the tests, which grants the
testing process another layer of usefulness.
Docstrings in the project adhere to the numpydoc styling.
The project code is formatted by black.
For anyone interesting in further development of pygmol,
is where one might start.
A note on version numbering: Following the major.minor.micro versioning convention,
the minor version should be increased, if the document describing the maths behind
the equations requires an update. The micro version increases are reserved for any
other non-breaking changes, such as documentation updates, some minor api tweaks, etc.
And the major version? You tell me, I have no plan as where to go with it…


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