Pyignite 0.6.1 | Coderz Product

pyignite 0.6.1

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pyignite 0.6.1

Apache Ignite thin (binary protocol) client, written in Python 3.

Python 3.7 or above (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 are tested),
Access to Apache Ignite node, local or remote. The current thin client
version was tested on Apache Ignite 2.14 (binary client protocol 1.7.0).

for end user
If you only want to use the pyignite module in your project, do:
$ pip install pyignite

for developer
If you want to run tests, examples or build documentation, clone
the whole repository:
$ git clone
$ pip install -e .

This will install the repository version of pyignite into your environment
in so-called “develop” or “editable” mode. You may read more about
editable installs
in the pip manual.
Then run through the contents of requirements folder to install
the additional requirements into your working Python environment using
$ pip install -r requirements/<your task>.txt

You may also want to consult the setuptools manual about using
optional C extension
There is an optional C extension to speedup some computational intensive tasks. If it's compilation fails
(missing compiler or CPython headers), pyignite will be installed without this module.

On Linux or MacOS X only C compiler is required (gcc or clang). It compiles during standard setup process.

For building universal wheels (binary packages) for Linux, just invoke script ./scripts/
NB! Docker is required.

On Windows MSVC 14.x required, and it should be in path, also python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 both for x86 and
x86-64 should be installed. You can disable some of these versions but you'd need to edit script for that.

For building wheels for Windows, invoke script .\scripts\BuildWheels.ps1 using PowerShell. Just make sure that
your execution policy allows execution of scripts in your environment.
Ready wheels for x86 and x86-64 for different python versions (3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10) will be
located in distr directory.

Updating from older version
To upgrade an existing package, use the following command:
pip install --upgrade pyignite

To install the latest version of a package:
pip install pyignite

To install a specific version:
pip install pyignite==0.6.1

The package documentation
is available at RTD for your convenience.
If you want to build the documentation from source, do the developer
installation as described above, then run the following commands from the
client's root directory:
$ pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
$ cd docs
$ make html

Then open docs/generated/html/index.html in your browser.
Some examples of using pyignite are provided in examples folder. They are
extensively commented in the
“Examples of usage”
section of the documentation.
This code implies that it is run in the environment with pyignite package
installed, and Apache Ignite node is running on localhost:10800.
NB! It is recommended installing pyignite in development mode.
Refer to this section for instructions.
Do not forget to install test requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements/install.txt -r requirements/tests.txt

Also, you'll need to have a binary release of Ignite with log4j2 enabled and to set
IGNITE_HOME environment variable:
$ cd <ignite_binary_release>
$ export IGNITE_HOME=$(pwd)
$ cp -r $IGNITE_HOME/libs/optional/ignite-log4j2 $IGNITE_HOME/libs/

Run basic tests
$ pytest

Run with examples
$ pytest --examples

If you need to change the connection parameters, see the documentation on


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