Pyigor 0.2.3 | Coderz Product

pyigor 0.2.3

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pyigor 0.2.3

PyIgor facilitates communication between Python and WaveMetrics Igor Pro, enabling seamless data and command exchange.

Igor Pro 7.0 or later: Ensure you have Igor Pro 7.0 or a newer version installed.
HDF5 XOP: Install the HDF5 XOP module. Detailed installation instructions are available in the "HDF5 installation" section under Igor Pro's help topics.
PyIgor Procedure File: Download the pyigor.ipf file from GitHub and place it in the Igor Procedures folder for convenience.

To install PyIgor, use the following pip command:
pip install pyigor

Note: Ensure Igor Pro is running before executing these commands. If Igor Pro is not already running, the commands will start Igor Pro and pause until the process completes.
Accessing Igor Pro from Python
Here’s how you can interact with Igor Pro using PyIgor:
from pyigor import Connection
import numpy as np

# Establish a connection with Igor Pro
igor = Connection()

# Send a numpy array to Igor Pro
array = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 10, 100))
igor.put(array, "sinwave")

# Execute a command in Igor Pro
igor("sinwave += 1")

# Retrieve a wave from Igor Pro
wv = igor.get("sinwave")

Accessing Python from Igor Pro
Preparing Python
from pyigor import Connection

# Establish a connection
igor = Connection()

# Register a function callable from Igor Pro
def myfunc(a):
return a * a

# Keep the connection open; not required in interactive mode

Use the Connection(security_hole=True) option to call any Python code from Igor Pro. This setting allows executing Python code through HTTP requests to http://localhost/code using eval(code). Important: Use this option only if you understand the security implications.
Calling Python Functions from Igor Pro
Execute Python functions registered via PyIgor from Igor Pro:
print PyIgorCall("myfunc(10)")

Security Note
When enabling security_hole=True, ensure your environment is secure and understand the risks associated with executing arbitrary code.
A special thanks to the people who have contributed to this project:

@nlyamada - Made compatible with Windows


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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