Pyloadprofilegenerator 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

pyloadprofilegenerator 0.1.0

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pyloadprofilegenerator 0.1.0

This package provides bindings and binaries to execute the LoadProfileGenerator (LPG) from python.
Basically it

converts your settings into a JSON file for the LPG that specifies what the LPG should calculate,
starts the binary depending on your platform (Windows/Linux),
waits for the results,
and then returns the results as pandas dataframe.

Look into the single household example for a simple example on use.
Example of a generated electricity load profile as a carpet plot:

Note that this package downloads the full LPG binaries and the database on first use.
If you want to use a different database than the one that comes with the package, you need to replace the files.
This package can be installed via pip:
pip install pyloadprofilegenerator

MIT License
Copyright (C) 2022 Noah Pflugradt (FZJ IEK-3), David Neuroth (FZJ IEK-3), Peter Stenzel (FZJ IEK-3), Leander Kotzur (FZJ IEK-3), Detlef Stolten (FZJ IEK-3)
You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this program.
If not, see
If you use pylpg in a published work, please cite:
Noah Pflugradt, Peter Stenzel, Leander Kotzur, and Detlef Stolten (2022). LoadProfileGenerator: An Agent-Based Behavior Simulation for Generating Residential Load Profiles. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(71), 3574,
About Us
The package is mainted by the Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Techno-Economic Systems Analysis (IEK-3) belonging to the Forschungszentrum Jülich.
We need your help to make pyLPG an even better tool than it is. Please raise an issue, if it is not clear how to use the package, if you find a bug, or if you have an idea how to improve. If you have implemented a solution, you are invited to contribute with a pull request.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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