Pymailq 0.9.0 | Coderz Repository

pymailq 0.9.0

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pymailq 0.9.0

pymailq - Simple Postfix queue management

Contact: Denis ‘jawa’ Pompilio <>

A full content documentation, is online at

The pymailq module makes it easy to view and control Postfix mails queue. It
provide several classes to store, view and interact with mail queue using
Postfix command line tools. This module is provided for automation and
monitoring developments.

This project also provides a shell-like to interact with Postfix mails queue.
It provide simple means to view the queue content, filter mails on criterias
like Sender or delivery errors and lead administrative operations.

Install pymailq module from
pip install pymailq
Install pymailq module from sources:
python install
A SPEC file is also provided for RPM builds (currently tested only on Fedora),
thanks to Nils Ratusznik ( Debian binary packages
are also available.

This module actually support the following Python versions:

Python 2.7
Python 3+

A shell is provided for interactive administration. Based on Python cmd
module, using Python compiled with readline support is highly recommended
to access shell’s full features.

Using the shell
Mails queue summary:
~$ pqshell --summary

====================== Mail queue summary ========================
Total mails in queue: 1773
Total queue size: 40.2 MB

Mails by accepted date:
last 24h: 939
1 to 4 days ago: 326
older than 4 days: 173

----- Mails by status ---------- ----- Mails by size ----------
Active 2 Average size 23.239 KB
Hold 896 Maximum size 1305.029 KB
Deferred 875 Minimum size 0.517 KB

----- Unique senders ----------- ----- Unique recipients ------
Senders 156 Recipients 1003
Domains 141 Domains 240

----- Top senders ------------------------------------------------
228 sender-3@domain-1.tld
195 sender-1@domain-4.tld
105 sender-2@domain-2.tld
61 sender-7@domain-3.tld

----- Top sender domains -----------------------------------------
228 domain-1.tld
195 domain-4.tld
105 domain-2.tld
75 domain-0.tld
61 domain-3.tld

----- Top recipients ---------------------------------------------
29 user-1@domain-5.tld
28 user-5@domain-9.tld
23 user-2@domain-8.tld
20 user-3@domain-6.tld
20 user-4@domain-7.tld

----- Top recipient domains --------------------------------------
697 domain-7.tld
455 domain-5.tld
37 domain-6.tld
37 domain-9.tld
34 domain-8.tld
Using the shell in interactive mode:
~$ pqshell
Welcome to PyMailq shell.
PyMailq (sel:0)> store load
500 mails loaded from queue
PyMailq (sel:500)> show selected limit 5
2017-09-02 17:54:34 B04C91183774 [deferred] sender-6@test-domain.tld (425B)
2017-09-02 17:54:34 B21D71183681 [deferred] sender-2@test-domain.tld (435B)
2017-09-02 17:54:34 B422D11836AB [deferred] sender-7@test-domain.tld (2416B)
2017-09-02 17:54:34 B21631183753 [deferred] sender-6@test-domain.tld (425B)
2017-09-02 17:54:34 F2A7E1183789 [deferred] sender-2@test-domain.tld (2416B)
...Preview of first 5 (495 more)...
PyMailq (sel:500)> show selected limit 5 long
2017-09-02 17:54:34 B04C91183774 [deferred] sender-6@test-domain.tld (425B)
Rcpt: user-3@test-domain.tld
Err: Test error message
2017-09-02 17:54:34 B21D71183681 [deferred] sender-2@test-domain.tld (435B)
Rcpt: user-3@test-domain.tld
Err: Test error message
2017-09-02 17:54:34 B422D11836AB [deferred] sender-7@test-domain.tld (2416B)
Rcpt: user-2@test-domain.tld
Err: mail transport unavailable
2017-09-02 17:54:34 B21631183753 [deferred] sender-6@test-domain.tld (425B)
Rcpt: user-3@test-domain.tld
Err: mail transport unavailable
2017-09-02 17:54:34 F2A7E1183789 [deferred] sender-2@test-domain.tld (2416B)
Rcpt: user-1@test-domain.tld
Err: mail transport unavailable
...Preview of first 5 (495 more)...
PyMailq (sel:500)> select error "Test error message"
PyMailq (sel:16)> show selected rankby sender
sender count
sender-2@test-domain.tld 7
sender-4@test-domain.tld 3
sender-6@test-domain.tld 2
sender-5@test-domain.tld 1
sender-8@test-domain.tld 1
sender-3@test-domain.tld 1
sender-1@test-domain.tld 1
PyMailq (sel:16)> select sender sender-2@test-domain.tld
PyMailq (sel:7)> super hold
postsuper: Placed on hold: 7 messages
PyMailq (sel:7)> select reset
Selector resetted with store content (500 mails)
PyMailq (sel:500)> show selected rankby status
status count
deferred 493
hold 7
PyMailq (sel:500)> exit
Exiting shell... Bye.

Binary packages for some linux distribution are available. See the packaging
directory for more information.



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