Pymailtm 1.1.1 | Coderz Product

pymailtm 1.1.1

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pymailtm 1.1.1

This is a command line interface and python web-api wrapper for
The api is documented here.
xclip or xsel for clipboard copying.
A browser to open incoming html emails.
With pip
pip install pymailtm

In a virtual env
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install pymailtm

The utility can be called with:

Remember that if you are in a virtual env you need to activate it first.
By default the command recover the last used account, copy it to the clipboard
and wait for a new message to arrive: when it does, it's opened in the browser
in a quick&dirty html view.
Exit the waiting loop by pressing Ctrl+c.
Calling the utility with the flag -l will print the account credentials, open
in the browser the client and exit.
The flag -n can be used to force the creation of a new account.
Security warnings
This is conceived as an insecure, fast throwaway temp mail account generator.
DO NOT use it with sensitive data.
Mails that arrive while the utility is running will be saved in plain text
files in the system temporary folder (probably /tmp/) so that they can be
opened by the browser.
The last used account's data and credentials will be saved in
plain text in ~/.pymailtm.
Install invoke and poetry:
pip install invoke poetry

Now clone the git repo:
git clone
cd pymailtm
inv install

This will try to create a virtualenv based on python3.7 and install there all
project's dependencies. If a different python version is preferred, it can be
selected by specifying the --python (-p) flag like this:
inv install -p python3.8

The script can now be run directly by launching inv run. It also accepts flags,
for example:
inv run -n

The test suite can be run with commands:
inv test # run the test suite
inv test --full # run even tests that requires a graphical environment
inv test-spec # run the tests while showing the output as a spec document
inv test-cov # run the tests suite and produce a coverage report

Tests take advantage of vcrpy to cache
network requests and responses. If you need to clear this cache run:
inv clear-cassettes

To test the github workflow with act:
inv act-dev # test the dev workflow
inv act-dev -c shell # open a shell in the act container (the above must fail first!)
inv act-dev -c clean # stop and delete a failed act container


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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