Pymeos 1.1.4 | Coderz Product

pymeos 1.1.4

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pymeos 1.1.4

MEOS (Mobility Engine, Open Source) is a C library which enables the manipulation of
temporal and spatio-temporal data based on MobilityDB's data types and functions.
PyMEOS is a library built on top of MEOS that provides all of its functionality wrapped in a set of Python classes.
For the PyMEOS CFFI library, the middle layer between MEOS and PyMEOS, see
the PyMEOS CFFI repository.
You can install PyMEOS (pymeos and pymeos-cffi) using pip, conda, or from sources.
Using pip
pip install pymeos

PyMEOS wheel should be compatible with any system, but it is possible that the pre-built distribution is
not available for PyMEOS CFFI for some OS/Architecture.

Using conda
PyMEOS is also available on the conda-forge channel. To install it, first add the conda-forge channel to your conda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

Then, you can install PyMEOS using the following command:
conda install conda-forge::pymeos

Source installation
For detailed instructions on how to install PyMEOS from sources, see
the installation page in the PyMEOS Documentation.
Sample code

IMPORTANT Before using any PyMEOS function, always call pymeos_initialize. Otherwise, the library will
crash with a Segmentation Fault error. You should also always call pymeos_finalize at the end of your code.

from pymeos import pymeos_initialize, pymeos_finalize, TGeogPointInst, TGeogPointSeq

# Important: Always initialize MEOS library

sequence_from_string = TGeogPointSeq(
string='[Point(10.0 10.0)@2019-09-01 00:00:00+01, Point(20.0 20.0)@2019-09-02 00:00:00+01, Point(10.0 10.0)@2019-09-03 00:00:00+01]')
print(f'Output: {sequence_from_string}')

sequence_from_points = TGeogPointSeq(instant_list=[TGeogPointInst(string='Point(10.0 10.0)@2019-09-01 00:00:00+01'),
TGeogPointInst(string='Point(20.0 20.0)@2019-09-02 00:00:00+01'),
TGeogPointInst(string='Point(10.0 10.0)@2019-09-03 00:00:00+01')],
lower_inc=True, upper_inc=True)
speed = sequence_from_points.speed()
print(f'Speeds: {speed}')

# Call finish at the end of your code

Output: [POINT(10 10)@2019-09-01 01:00:00+02, POINT(20 20)@2019-09-02 01:00:00+02, POINT(10 10)@2019-09-03 01:00:00+02]
Speeds: Interp=Step;[17.84556057812839@2019-09-01 01:00:00+02, 17.84556057812839@2019-09-03 01:00:00+02]

For more examples and use-cases, see PyMEOS Examples repository
Visit our ReadTheDocs page for a more complete and detailed documentation,
including an installation manual and several examples.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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