Pynamodb Attributes 0.5.0 | Coderz Product

pynamodb-attributes 0.5.0

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pynamodbattributes 0.5.0

This Python 3 library contains compound and high-level PynamoDB attributes:

FloatAttribute – same as NumberAttribute but whose value is typed as float
IntegerAttribute – same as NumberAttribute but whose value is typed as int (rather than float)
IntegerSetAttribute – same as NumberSetAttribute but whose value is typed as int (rather than float)
UnicodeDelimitedTupleAttribute - a delimiter-separated value, useful for storing composite keys
UnicodeEnumAttribute - serializes a string-valued Enum into a Unicode (S-typed) attribute
UnicodeProtobufEnumAttribute - serializes a Protobuf enum into a Unicode (S-typed) attribute
IntegerEnumAttribute - serializes a int-valued Enum into a number (N-typed) attribute
TimedeltaAttribute, TimedeltaMsAttribute, TimedeltaUsAttribute – serializes timedeltas as integer seconds, milliseconds (ms) or microseconds (µs)
TimestampAttribute, TimestampMsAttribute, TimestampUsAttribute – serializes datetimes as Unix epoch seconds, milliseconds (ms) or microseconds (µs)
IntegerDateAttribute - serializes date as an integer representing the Gregorian date (e.g. 20181231)
UUIDAttribute - serializes a UUID Python object as a S type attribute (e.g. 'a8098c1a-f86e-11da-bd1a-00112444be1e')
UnicodeDatetimeAttribute - ISO8601 datetime strings with offset information

The tests in this repository use an in-memory implementation of dynamodb. To run the tests locally, make sure DynamoDB Local is running. It is available as a standalone binary, through package managers (e.g. Homebrew) or as a Docker container:
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local

Afterwards, run tests as usual:
pytest tests


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