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pynball 1.5.7
Centralized management and utilization of all your Python versions, installations and virtual environments.
You may have a requirement for development on various versions of Python.
Or you may have a mixture of installations including pyenv, custom installations,
system installations etc. Pynball can make leveraging such environments a lot easier.
Consolidates all Python installations including pyenv into one management system
Easily create Virtual Environments using any Python version.
Track which virtual environments have which Python versions and tox versions.
Quickly change the System interpreter
Pre Installation Requirements
Minimum Requirements
Python 3.8+
Virtualenv (which has benefits over venv)
For Maximum Benefits additionally install the following:
OS X & Linux:
Will be supported in version 2
pipx install pynball
Usage example
View Available commands
Usage: pynball [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Utility script to help manage development with various versions of Python in
conjunction with Virtual Environments and optionally the pyenv module
--help Show this message and exit.
add Adds a name / path of an installation of Python.
addall Add all versions to the Pynball configuration.
delete Deletes a name / path of an installation of Python.
exportconf Creates a configuration file backup.
importconf Creates a configuration from a file backup
lsproject Displays all Virtual Environment projects (with versions: native, tox and pyenv)
mkproject Creates a Virtual Environment from a specific Python version.
mvproject Renames a Virtual Environment (optionally updates GitHub and git)
pyenv Automatically include the pyenv versions in Pynball
reset Deletes all names / paths
rmproject Deletes a Virtual Environment.
system Changes the system Python Interpreter version.
version Display details about the system Python Interpreter.
versions Lists the names / paths of the configured Python installations
Add a Python version to the config
pynball versions
D:\PYTHON\3.9.10 : --> System Interpreter
WARNING: Pynball configuration is empty - use 'add' command
pynball add 3.8.10 D:\PYTHON\3.8.10
'3.8.10' Successfully added to configuration
pynball versions
D:\PYTHON\3.9.10 : --> System Interpreter
3.8.10 D:\PYTHON\3.8.10
WARNING: System Interpreter is not in Pynball Configuration
Add all manually installed Python versions to the config
pynball addall
'3.10.4' Successfully added to configuration
'3.5.4' Successfully added to configuration
'3.6.8' Successfully added to configuration
'3.7.9' Successfully added to configuration
WARNING: '3.8.10' already added to configuration as '3.8.10'
'3.9.10' Successfully added to configuration
pynball versions
3.10.4 D:\PYTHON\3.10.4
3.9.10 D:\PYTHON\3.9.10 : --> System Interpreter
3.8.10 D:\PYTHON\3.8.10
3.7.9 D:\PYTHON\3.7.9
3.6.8 D:\PYTHON\3.6.8
3.5.4 D:\PYTHON\3.5.4
Add pyenv Python versions (if any) to the config
pynball pyenv -u
'3.10.2' Successfully added to configuration
'3.5.2' Successfully added to configuration
'3.8.0' Successfully added to configuration
3.10.4 D:\PYTHON\3.10.4
3.10.2 C:\Users\conta\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.2
3.9.10 D:\PYTHON\3.9.10 : --> System Interpreter
3.8.10 D:\PYTHON\3.8.10
3.8.0 C:\Users\conta\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.8.0
3.7.9 D:\PYTHON\3.7.9
3.6.8 D:\PYTHON\3.6.8
3.5.4 D:\PYTHON\3.5.4
3.5.2 C:\Users\conta\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.5.2
pynball versions
3.10.4 D:\PYTHON\3.10.4
3.10.2 C:\Users\conta\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.2
3.9.10 D:\PYTHON\3.9.10 : --> System Interpreter
3.8.10 D:\PYTHON\3.8.10
3.8.0 C:\Users\conta\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.8.0
3.7.9 D:\PYTHON\3.7.9
3.6.8 D:\PYTHON\3.6.8
3.5.4 D:\PYTHON\3.5.4
3.5.2 C:\Users\conta\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.5.2
Create a virtual environment using a version in the config
pynball mkproject 3.8.10 hobgoblin
List all the virtual environments
pynball lsproject
Project Name Native Version Pyenv Versions Tox Versions
============ ============== ============== ============
hobgoblin 3.8.10 - 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
organizer 3.9.10 - -
pizazz 3.9.10 - -
template 3.9.10 - -
Change system interpreter
pynball system 3.6.8
pynball versions
3.10.4 D:\PYTHON\3.10.2
3.10.2 C:\Users\conta\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.2
3.9.10 D:\PYTHON\3.9.10
3.8.10 D:\PYTHON\3.8.10
3.8.0 C:\Users\conta\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.8.0
3.7.9 D:\PYTHON\3.7.9
3.6.8 D:\PYTHON\3.6.8 : --> System Interpreter
3.5.4 D:\PYTHON\3.5.4
3.5.2 C:\Users\conta\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.5.2
For more information, please refer to the wiki
Read the Docs
API Reference
Stephen R A King :
Distributed under the MIT license. See for more information.
Created with Cookiecutter template: pydough version 1.2.1
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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