Pyorlib 0.1.2 | Coderz Product

pyorlib 0.1.2

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pyorlib 0.1.2

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  PyORlib is a powerful Python library for operations research and optimization. It provides a set of
abstractions to easily define, solve, and interact with mathematical models in a standardized manner across
different optimization packages. With PyORlib, you can easily implement mathematical models using a user-friendly
interface, while seamlessly identifying the ideal solver or optimization package, such as CPLEX, Gurobi,
OR-Tools, or PuLP, that perfectly aligns with your specific requirements.

Key Features

PyORlib offers a powerful yet easy-to-use set of tools for mathematical modeling and optimization:

Intuitive API ─
PyORlib provides a user-friendly API that allows you to define, solve, and interact with mathematical models in a
standardized manner across different optimization packages.

Seamless Solver Integration ─
Optimize models across different solvers, including custom ones, without modifying the model's definition. Tailor the
behavior and capabilities of the solvers to perfectly align with your unique requirements.

Simplified Mathematical Modeling ─
Define mathematical models effortlessly using PyORlib's comprehensive set of abstractions and classes. Focus on the
problem at hand instead of getting lost in implementation details.

Scalability and Maintainability ─
Keep your code organized, readable, and maintainable over time with the PyORlib's workflow. Structure your variables,
parameters, constraints, and objective functions in a clean and extensible manner.

No Overhead ─
PyORlib ensures full compatibility between models and different solvers by seamlessly translating models to each
solver's native format, acting as a standardized communication interface.

Data Validation ─
PyORlib offers comprehensive format and content validations to ensure the integrity of your model data. These
validation features help identify errors early and maintain consistent, error-free model data for robust optimization.

Comprehensive Documentation ─
PyORlib provides a comprehensive documentation suite that includes API references and usage examples, to effectively
leverage all the features and capabilities of the library.


  By default, PyORlib's core functionalities and optimization utilities only require Python 3.10+.
However, additional optional dependencies may be needed to work with optimization models and solver
integrations based on your use case. For more information on supported integrations, see the
Optional Dependencies section.


  PyORlib is available as a Python package and can be easily installed using pip. To install the core
functionalities, open your terminal and execute the following command:

pip install pyorlib

  For optimization models and solver integrations, please refer to the Optional Dependencies
section to learn more about the supported integrations and the dependencies you may need to install.

A Simple Example

  Experience the power of PyORlib through a simple example that illustrates the core concepts and basic
usage of the package by formulating and solving a mixed integer programming (MIP) problem from the
OR-Tools documentation.
This example will provide you with a clear and concise introduction to the package's functionalities and its
application in real-world optimization challenges.

Problem Formulation

  In this example, we will find the highest integer coordinates (x, y) on the Y-axis within
a defined shape. Our objective is to maximize the value of an objective function while satisfying linear
constraints, as shown below with a mathematical formulation:

Maximize:x+10y Subject to:x+7y=17.5 0≤x≤3.5 0≤y≤2.5 

  Since the constraints are linear, we can classify this problem as a linear optimization problem in
which the solutions are required to be integers. The feasible region and integer points for this problem are
shown below:

Solution Using PyORlib

  In order to model and solve this problem, we'll be using the PyORlib package. In this example, we'll
utilize the OR-Tools optimization package, which is one of the built-in integrations provided by PyORlib. However,
you can also choose to use other integration options described in the Optional Dependencies
section, or even implement your own custom integration. Before proceeding, make sure you have installed the OR-Tools
integration. Once that is done, let's get started:

from math import inf

from pyorlib import Model
from pyorlib.engines.ortools import ORToolsEngine
from pyorlib.enums import ValueType, OptimizationType

# Create a Model instance using the ORTools engine
model: Model = Model(engine=ORToolsEngine())

# Add two integer variables for coordinates x and y
x = model.add_variable("x", ValueType.INTEGER, 0, inf)
y = model.add_variable("y", ValueType.INTEGER, 0, inf)

# Define problem constraints
model.add_constraint(x + 7 * y <= 17.5)
model.add_constraint(x <= 3.5)

# Set objective to maximize x + 10y
model.set_objective(OptimizationType.MAXIMIZE, x + 10 * y)

# Solve model

# Print solution

  As we can see from the previous example, PyORlib follows a simple and user-friendly workflow for
defining, solving, and interacting with mathematical models. Let's review the key steps:

Import necessary modules: We first imported the required modules from PyORlib, including the Model
class, ORToolsEngine class, and necessary enums (ValueType and OptimizationType).

Create a new model: Then we created a new Model object and specified that we want to use the
OR-Tools engine for solving the optimization problem.

Define the variables: We added 2 integer variables, x and y, to represent the coordinates on the
Y-axis within the defined shape.

Define the constraints: We added linear constraints to the model to restrict the feasible region of the
optimization problem and ensure the coordinates (x, y) satisfy specific conditions.

Define the objective function: We set the objective of the model using the set_objective method to
maximize the objective function x + 10 * y.

Solve the model: We invoked the solve method on the model to find the optimal values for variables (x, y)
that satisfy the constraints and maximize the objective function.

Display the solution: Finally, we called the print_solution method to showcase the optimal values of variables
(x, y) and the corresponding value of the objective function.

  Having gained a clear understanding of the workflow showcased in the Simple Example, you are now
well-equipped to explore more intricate optimization scenarios and fully harness the capabilities of PyORlib in
your own projects.

Next steps...

  Feel free to experiment and build upon this example to explore the full potential of PyORlib in your
projects. With PyORlib, you can define and implement complex mathematical models and algorithms, test multiple
optimization packages to identify the ideal one that perfectly aligns with your unique requirements, define
and organize the vital components of your optimization model, and much more!

A Practical Example

  To demonstrate PyORlib in a realistic scenario, we will implement a transportation problem from the
GAMS Tutorial by Richard E. Rosenthal,
which provides a comprehensive case study for testing PyORlib's optimization capabilities and features.

Problem Formulation

  The transportation problem we will address is a classic instance of linear programming's transportation
problem, which has historically served as a testing ground for the development of optimization technology. This
transportation problem involves determining the optimal flow of a product from multiple sources (plants) to
destinations (markets) to minimize costs while satisfying demands.

Minimize:∑i=1n∑j=1mcijxij  Subject to:∑j=1mxij≤ai∀i ∑i=1nxij≥bj∀j xij≥0∀ij,integer i=1,...,n;j=1,...,m 

  Before diving into the implementation, let's take a moment to familiarize ourselves with the key
components of the model. This brief exploration will provide a better understanding of how these components
work together.

  i= plants; j= markets.

Parameters (Given Data):
  ai= supply of commodity of plant i (in cases).
  bj= demand for commodity at market j (cases).
  cij= cost per unit shipment between plan i and market j ($/case).

Decision Variables:
  xij= amount of commodity to ship from plant i to market j (cases).

 Observe supply limit at plant i: ∑j=1mxij≤ai∀i
 Satisfy demand at market j: ∑i=1nxij≥bj∀j

  The GAMS tutorial describes a scenario with two canning plants and three markets. It provides sample
supply, demand and cost data. We will use this same data to define our model.

New York


San Diego


  To model and solve the problem in Python, we will use PyORlib and its CPLEX integration. However, it’s
important to note that you can choose any of the supported optimization engine integrations described in the
Optional Dependencies
or even use your own custom implementations.

Solution Using PyORlib

  Before proceeding, ensure that PyORlib is installed, along with its integration for the CPLEX engine.
Once everything is set up, let's build our transportation model:

from math import inf

from pyorlib import Model
from pyorlib.engines.cplex import CplexEngine
from pyorlib.enums import ValueType, OptimizationType

# Create a transportation model using the CplexEngine.
model = Model(engine=CplexEngine(), name="A Transportation Model")

# Define the dimensions of the problem
n = 2 # Number of plants
m = 3 # Number of markets
n_range = range(1, n + 1) # Range of plant indices
m_range = range(1, m + 1) # Range of market indices

# Define the parameters of the model
a_i = [350, 600] # Supply limit at each plant
b_j = [325, 300, 275] # Demand at each market
c_i_j = [ # Transportation costs
2.5, 1.7, 1.8,
2.5, 1.8, 1.4,

# Define the decision variables
x_i_j = {
(i, j): model.add_variable(
for i in n_range
for j in m_range

# Add supply limit at plants constraints
for i in n_range:
x_i_j[i, j]
for j in range(1, m + 1)
) <= a_i[i - 1]

# Add satisfy demand at markets constraints
for j in m_range:
x_i_j[i, j]
for i in range(1, n + 1)
) >= b_j[j - 1]

# Set the objective function to minimize the total transportation cost
c_i_j[(i - 1) * m + (j - 1)] * x_i_j[i, j]
for i in n_range
for j in m_range

# Solve the model and print the solution

  As we can see from this practical example, PyORlib enables us to easily build a transportation model,
define its necessary components, optimize the model, and obtain the optimal solution. The simple yet powerful
syntax of PyORlib allows us to focus on the problem at hand without getting lost in implementation details.

Organized & Readable Workflow

  PyORlib goes beyond the optimization process and offers a powerful modeling workflow that emphasizes
code organization, readability, and maintainability over time. This workflow is built upon a set of abstractions
and classes from the structures module, that allows you to centralize and standardize the definition of your
model's components, such as dimensions, parameters, decision variables, and constant properties.

  One significant advantage of PyORlib's workflow is the ability to easily rename and modify components
throughout your codebase. Instead of manually searching and replacing strings, you can make changes in one place,
ensuring consistency and reducing errors.

from abc import ABC
from dataclasses import dataclass

from pyorlib.enums import ParameterType, ValueType
from pyorlib.structures import DimensionDefinition, ParameterDefinition, TermDefinition

class GenericModelDefinition(ABC):

class Dimensions(ABC):
n = DimensionDefinition(name="n", display_name="Total number of 'i' indices", min=1)
m = DimensionDefinition(name="m", display_name="Total number of 'j' indices", min=1)

class Parameters(ABC):
c_i_j = ParameterDefinition(
name=lambda i, j: f"c_{i}_{j}",
display_name="Cost per unit shipment between 'i' and 'j'",
parameter_types={ParameterType.FIXED, ParameterType.BOUNDED},

class DecisionVariables(ABC):
x_i_j = TermDefinition(
name=lambda i, j: f"x_{i}_{j}",
display_name="Amount of commodity to ship from 'i' to 'j'",

# Usage within a model
print(GenericModelDefinition.Dimensions.n.min) # Access the minimum value for dimension 'n'
print(, 1)) # Generate the name for parameter 'c_1_1'
print(GenericModelDefinition.DecisionVariables.x_i_j.display_name) # Access the display name for the decision variable 'x_i_j'

  By leveraging PyORlib's structured approach, you can improve the maintainability and scalability of
your models. The clean and organized codebase makes for easy navigation, understanding, and modification, making
it easier to collaborate with other team members and adapt your models to changing requirements.

Ensuring Model Integrity

  In addition to PyORlib's workflow capabilities, this package provides a set of abstractions
designed to apply validations and ensure the integrity of your model data. These validation features play a
crucial role in identifying errors early on and maintaining consistent, error-free model data, resulting in
more robust optimization.

Defining Validation Rules ─
PyORlib utilizes Python descriptors and dataclasses to define validation rules for model
schemas. Attributes like DimensionField and ParameterField allow specifying requirements
like minimum/maximum values.
from dataclasses import dataclass

from pyorlib.enums import ParameterType, ValueType
from pyorlib.structures import MultiValueParameter
from pyorlib.validators import DimensionField, ParameterField

class ExampleSchema:
n: int = DimensionField(min=1) # Specifies the minimum value allowed for 'n'
a_i: MultiValueParameter = ParameterField(
parameter_types={ParameterType.FIXED}, # Specifies the allowed param types for 'a_i'
value_types={ValueType.INTEGER}, # Specifies the allowed value types for 'a_i'
min=0, # Specifies the minimum value allowed for 'a_i'

Putting it into Practice ─
To apply validations, instantiate the ExampleSchema class with the model data. If initialization succeeds
without errors, the data passed all validations and can be used safely for optimization. However, if the data is
invalid, an error will be raised immediately upon initialization, before the invalid data can be optimized.
schema = ExampleSchema(
values=(1, 2),
) # succeeds

schema = ExampleSchema(
values=(1, 2.6),
) # raises ValueError

  By validating data upon instantiation, any issues are caught immediately before the model is optimized.
This helps maintain data integrity and prevents errors downstream in the optimization process.

Runtime Flexibility & Customization

  At its core, PyORlib provides a modular optimization design that allows you to seamlessly switch between
different built-in or custom optimization engine implementations on the fly. Whether you opt for official
optimization package integrations or decide to create your own custom ones, PyORlib allows you to tailor
the behavior and capabilities of the optimization engine to perfectly align with your unique requirements.

  By leveraging the principles of dependency inversion and open-closed design, PyORlib decouples the
model's optimization from the underlying implementation, allowing you to optimize models across different
optimization engines, including custom ones, without modifying the model definition or employing complex logic.

Seeing it in Action

  To showcase the flexibility of PyORlib, let's revisit the Simple Example
we discussed earlier and use it as our foundation. After copying the example, we will make some modifications to
decouple the dependency from a specific optimization engine to its interface, and encapsulate the model definition
and resolution within a function to ensure reusability across different optimization engines, as shown below:

from math import inf

from pyorlib import Model, Engine
from pyorlib.engines.gurobi import GurobiEngine
from pyorlib.engines.ortools import ORToolsEngine
from pyorlib.enums import ValueType, OptimizationType

def mip_problem(engine: Engine):
# Create a Model instance
model: Model = Model(engine)

# Add two integer variables for coordinates x and y
x = model.add_variable("x", ValueType.INTEGER, 0, inf)
y = model.add_variable("y", ValueType.INTEGER, 0, inf)

# Define problem constraints
model.add_constraint(x + 7 * y <= 17.5)
model.add_constraint(x <= 3.5)

# Set objective to maximize x + 10y
model.set_objective(OptimizationType.MAXIMIZE, x + 10 * y)

# Solve model

# Print solution

# Solving the MIP problem using the ORTools engine

# Solving the MIP problem using the Gurobi engine

  As we can see from the example, by just depending on the engine interface instead of a concrete
implementation and applying dependency injection, we were able to solve the same MIP problem from the Simple
Example across multiple optimization engines, including custom ones, without modifying the underlying model
definition and optimization.

Built-in & Custom Integrations

  Out of the box, PyORlib provides integrations for popular solvers like CPLEX, Gurobi, OR-Tools and PuLP,
leveraging their proven algorithms to optimize models reliably. These integrations give you access to top-tier
solvers without additional work. However, the options are not limited only to built-in integrations.

  PyORlib also supports custom engine implementations through its extensible and flexible architecture.
You can create your own optimization engines by subclassing the base Engine class and implementing the
necessary methods, whether using third-party or custom algorithms.

Continuous Evolution

  PyORlib continuously adapts to support developers across various technological and programming domains.
Its primary goal is to remain a useful tool for learning about operations research, mathematical model optimization,
and testing different optimization packages with ease.

  While future development may introduce some changes to enhance and expand certain current
functionalities, the highest priority remains providing a simple yet powerful platform for students, researchers,
and practitioners to explore optimization concepts, test algorithms, and further their own knowledge. Large-scale
changes that could introduce significant complexity are less likely in order to maintain accessibility as the core

Driving Innovation Through Collaboration

  PyORlib is an open source project that welcomes community involvement. If you wish to contribute
additional optimization suites, improvements, or bug fixes, please check the Contributing
section for guidelines on collaborating.


  PyORlib is distributed as open source software and is released under the MIT License.
You can view the full text of the license in the LICENSE
file located in the PyORlib repository.


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