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pyovpnas 0.0.8
Python OpenVPN Access Server SDK
A Python library built on XML-RPC that demystifies remote interaction with OpenVPN Access Server
OpenVPN Access Server provides an XML-RPC API that allows administrators to manage the server remotely and programatically. Unfortunately, OpenVPN explicitly provides this feature undocumented. This SDK provides a way to interact with this API, with helpful error messages, powerful functionality, and a clear explanation of what the hell you're looking at.
For support please email Code is at
Getting Started
Getting started is simple. First you must enable the XML-RPC feature on your access server. This can be done either through the web interface by navigating to Configurations -> Client Settings -> Enable Complete API or by setting it via the command line ./sacli --key "xmlrpc.relay_level" --value 2 ConfigPut
Now we can start running commands:
>>> from pyovpn_as import client
>>> mgmt_client = client.from_args('', 'openvpn', 'P4ssw0rd!!!!')
>>> new_user = mgmt_client.users.create_new_user('newuser', 'P4ssw0rd123£', prop_superuser=True)
>>> new_user.type
>>> new_user.is_admin
>>> mgmt_client.users.delete_user(as_client, '404')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AccessServerProfileNotFoundError: User "404" does not exist
pip install pyovpn-as
How to Contribute
There are three main ways to contribute to this project:
Search for open issues or open your own issue for a bug or problem discovered in the codebase or the documentation
Submit a pull request to merge a feature or fix into the master branch (more information on how to do that and what maintainers expect from your code can be found in the full documentation)
Use this SDK to poke at OpenVPN Access Server to find additional functionality, or to clarify the functionality given here, then open an issue and tell us what you found and how we can improve
We don't accept monetary contributions, everything you see is free :)
GPL license, see the License
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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